NVIDIA to Bypass U.S. Export Controls with GeForce RTX 4090 Dragon Edition for Chinese Market: Report


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
NVIDIA is reportedly developing a new version of the GeForce RTX 4090 that complies with recent U.S. export controls, allowing those in China to get their hands on the most powerful gaming GPU on the market again—or, at least, in name.

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"bypass export controls" sounds like a needlessly incendiary headline.

It sounds like they just designed a special version of the GPU that MEETS the export control restrictions.
"bypass export controls" sounds like a needlessly incendiary headline.

It sounds like they just designed a special version of the GPU that MEETS the export control restrictions.
Yup. I assume it will be accomplished just like the LHR editions were — it will be “hardware” based that gets cracked in the driver
Yup. I assume it will be accomplished just like the LHR editions were — it will be “hardware” based that gets cracked in the driver

True, and if they are doing this on purpose, by putting weak protections in such that they can easily be overridden, that might just be a violation of the law. It certainly is a violation of the spirit of the law.

For this to be legit, the capacity needs to be reduced by methods such as traces being laser cut off in the chip itself, such that it cannot be circumvented.
True, and if they are doing this on purpose, by putting weak protections in such that they can easily be overridden, that might just be a violation of the law.
It’s a matter of: can we make more profit from Chinese sales than we will get hit with in fines from the US?
Its a matter of how much and how bad things backfire.
It is currently backfiring pretty bad, if Nvidia could not do this at all, even worse backfire.
It would have beem more likely china wouldn't bother developing their own top level stuff at top speed if we just sold out top products without the sanctimonious sanctions.
It would have beem more likely china wouldn't bother developing their own top level stuff at top speed if we just sold out top products without the sanctimonious sanctions.

There is nothing sanctimonious about them at all. China is growing their military capabilities very rapidly while at the same time threatening just about every nation on their borders with territorial water claims that violate UNCLOS agreements and other nations territorial waters, not to mention the threat of military invasion of Taiwan.

Any means necessary to slow down their military capability and give us an edge should it ever come to blows is totally justifiable and makes perfect sense. At the very least we shouldn't be helping them grow their military capabilities with our technological advancements.

If they are forced to do it themselves, they will eventually get there, but it will proceed more slowly, and probably have a worse outcome, which will allow us to stay one step, maybe half a generation ahead which can make all the difference if it ever comes to blows.

Its something we all hope will never happen, but that doesn't mean we in the west can or should pull the wool over our own eyes and ignore the potential. We do so at our own peril.

And that doesn't even mention the rampant theft of western IP, and using government funds to pump up production so they can dump products on international markets at below cost so they drive the very inventors of the tech out of business.

Heck, if it were up to me, based on their behavior we would have had Iran/Cuba/North Korea type sanctions (complete embargo on all non-humanitarian imports and all exports in cooperation with the other industrialized nations of the world, ) in place for a decade now Yes, it would hurt our economy and the world economy in the short term, but that is at best a secondary concern considering what those behaviors would do to us in the long term.

Nixon was heralded for opening China in the 1970's, but based on what we know today, that was a mistake. We should have done everything we could to keep them in the stone age. I'm all for fair competition among peaceful nations, but authoritarian belligerents, market manipulators and thieves can go **** themselves.
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