Paramount Consent Decrees Terminated, Allowing Studios to Buy or Run Their Own Theater Chains


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Creation Hill

Things are about to get very interesting in Hollywood. Today, the Justice Department agreed to terminate a set of laws called the Paramount Consent Decrees, which were implemented in the late 1940s to curtail the monopolistic practices of film studios. Now that those are dead, Warner Bros., Paramount, and their ilk have the power to buy major theater chains, implement new ones of their own, wield greater leverage of what movies are shown, and more. Here’s a breakdown of the bigger changes, as outlined by CinemaBlend:

Studios Can Buy Into Theatrical Chains

Studios can purchase a stake in major theater chains such as AMC Theaters...

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Wow... I'm sure this will really push the development of new CPU's, errr video cards... no wait... Motherboards... perhaps mice... or Keyboards maybe? Wait... Ummmm DLP projectors right? Is that the Tech lead in on this?

What am I missing here?
Death to all 1st run movie theaters. All hail the dollar theaters and 1st run home viewing.
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