PlayStation 5 Games Won’t Support DualShock 4 Controller


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Sony

Were you expecting to play PlayStation 5 games using your beloved DualShock 4 controller? That’s not happening. According to a blog post from Isabelle Tomatis (PlayStation VR, Peripherals Marketing and Licensing, SIE), PS5 games will only work with the next-generation DualSense controller.

“…we believe that PS5 games should take advantage of the new capabilities and features we’re bringing to the platform, including the features of DualSense wireless controller,” wrote Tomatis.

It isn’t clear whether there’s some sort of technical limitation, but this is kind of disappointing, especially in light of the fact that Xbox One controllers will be fully supported on the Series X. DualShock 4 users will, however, be able to...

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The touchpad on the DualShock 4 had a lot of potential, in my opinion, but nobody used it except as an extra button even on console exclusives. To believe that this SOP will change for PS5 games is shortsighted. If you're buying a PS5, at least you'll have one DualSense controller.

UPDATE: Shots fired by Microsoft. They need to do a commercial like the used game fiasco this gen.

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I'm shocked the DS4 will work on the PS5 AT ALL. Sony has never offered the ability to mix and match like that. And I also wonder if they might backtrack later on, since the # of buttons is the same and they are similar devices.

UPDATE: Shots fired by Microsoft. They need to do a commercial like the used game fiasco this gen.

Sure because the Xbox-XYZ controllers are/will be basically the same as the Xbone ones. They didn't make any such efforts with the 360 -> Xbone migration. And honestly I prefer the 360 controllers over the Xbone ones. There isn't a huge technology difference, it was a marketing choice. Buy new stuff.
That picture is just the adaptative controllers ( great) and the same thing 3 times ( not so great)
I always kinda just expected new console would need new controllers
I like how DualShock 4 works on PS3, wired and wirelessly, with a surprising amount of games (though with features missing like rumble support). Not expecting it, but would be cool if DualSense worked on PS4.
honestly I prefer the 360 controllers over the Xbone ones
Yeah, I agree. X360 controllers were more comfortable, had better shoulder buttons, nicer analog sticks IMO, and didn't have the annoying bright-white XB1 guide button. I liked the green light that indicated what player number the controller was currently set as. I also didn't care for XB1's replacements for the "Start" and "Back" buttons. XB1 controller has a better DPad, though still not great. XB1 triggers I think are better too. I like the grippier material on the underside of the XB1S controller handles. Thank you to Microsoft for having removable batteries for the past two generations, and I hope you keep that up for this upcoming generation. I really liked the XB1 Elite controllers, but **** their prices.
I always kinda just expected new console would need new controllers
Yeah I don't get bent outta shape when a new console requires a new controller. I like seeing the new controller designs they come up with, hopefully with improvements. However it is nice to be able to use controllers you already have for newer systems, especially in the case of things like arcade sticks and racing wheels. Also handy if you don't have enough of the newer controllers, and you're trying to get some local multiplayer going.
The touchpad on the DualShock 4 had a lot of potential, in my opinion, but nobody used it except as an extra button even on console exclusives.
I didn't really care for the touchpad and didn't like it occupying all that space on the face of the controller. I was hoping they would get rid of it for PS5. I admit that game devs, even Sony first and second-party ones, didn't make good use of it. However my brother said the touchpad is pretty handy for a few situations, like controlling the mouse cursor if you've moved over to the couch for some controller-based PC gaming, and your wired keyboard and mouse is some distance from you. Of course now **** like Steam lets you control the mouse cursor with analog sticks as well, with any controller. Touchpad works a lot better though.
I'm shocked the DS4 will work on the PS5 AT ALL
Yeah, same here.
I guess I forgot, or just plain didn't know, that apparently Xbox Series X controllers will work on XB1. Of course they'll work on PC, and hey they announced support for Android and iOS too. Although that's nothing new, I have no issues using X360 controllers on Android.
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