Popularity of GeForce RTX 2060 Appears to Be Steadily Increasing Based on Steam’s Hardware Survey


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

Steam’s March 2020 hardware (and software) survey suggests that NVIDIA is selling quite a bit of its GeForce RTX 2060 cards, which offers some of the company’s latest gaming technologies (e.g., ray tracing) at a commendable price ($299). Since February, the card increased in popularity by 0.53 percent – which is a relatively big jump compared to how other cards fared. (The RTX 2070 and RTX 2070 SUPER’s adoption grew by 0.33 and 0.28 percent, respectively.)


There’s some interesting stuff on the CPU side of things, too. While AMD’s Ryzen series is receiving most of the hype these days, Steam’s hardware survey is showing an obvious increase in Intel usage for the month of March, from 78.2 percent to...

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That $200-$300 price point has always been pretty popular, I think is the real take away.
Why... someone should educate the people buying these cards.
"You won't get good Ray Tracing performance out of these cards at any resolution... Here buy a 1080 at the same price online. You'll get a much better performance without RT."
Why... someone should educate the people buying these cards.
"You won't get good Ray Tracing performance out of these cards at any resolution... Here buy a 1080 at the same price online. You'll get a much better performance without RT."

Most people would never buy parts used.

New supply of 1080's is dwindling and expensive.

Personally I'll buy enterprise stuff used, because it has generally sat in a server for years, and not been handled much, and when it has been handled, it has at least been handled with at least a modicum of knowledge. I don't trust the kiddies out there enough to buy used consumer gear. It has probably been mishandled, ESD:ed, overvolted, etc.

When I upgraded my stepson's rig last fall I went with a 2060 Super. In large part this was because of misinformation that compatibility with FreeSync screens was only going to apply to 20xx GPU's. Turns out this was not the case later, but at the time that was the reigning belief on the internet. It's been a good GPU on his 165hz 1440p screen though. No regrets.
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