Portal with RTX and NVIDIA Racer RTX Showcase Power of GeForce RTX 40 Series Graphics Cards


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
NVIDIA has announced Portal with RTX and NVIDIA Racer RTX, two new titles that were designed to showcase the power and performance of the company's new GeForce RTX 40 Series graphics cards.

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  • Most accurate representation of reality ever simulated in real time on a PC

So battery will always be dead, gears strip left and right, and it costs an arm and a leg for repair parts?
I guess I'm just too old to care about all this today's racing for more lighting and mirrors tech but I do find myself more laid back enjoying eye-candy hyper-realistic characters/environments, advanced Mo-Cap, STUTTER FREAKING FREE GAMING, collisions/destruction, advanced ML-NPCs, etc.

But, nah, let the industry race to the bottom for caring more about rendering motionless/static black ice, not water puddles, scenes. 😏
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