[PR] AMD Delivers Unprecedented 25 Times Improvement in Mobile Processor Energy Efficiency


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: AMD

AMD today announced it has exceeded its moonshot 25×20 goal set in 2014 to improve the energy efficiency of its mobile processors 25 times by 2020. The new AMD Ryzen 7 4800H mobile processor improves on the energy efficiency of the 2014 baseline measurement by 31.7 times, and offers leadership performance and extraordinary efficiency for laptop PCs. Greater energy efficiency leads to significant user benefits including improved battery life, better performance, lower energy costs and reduced environmental impact from computing.

“We have always focused on energy efficiency in our processors, but in 2014 we decided to put even greater emphasis on this capability,” said...

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That's pretty impressive. But they are forgetting about my personal rule...

We all know More's law of the number of transistors in a CPU will double every year...

I came up with my own.

The faster a computer gets the more impatient the user gets.

We are all impressed by great speed and efficiency.. then we find more crap for our systems to do that bog them down.

Oh we're so efficient we don't use all of the CPU? Screw that make it run 24 systems on one CPU then. Just load it up with extra memory. See how dense our racks are.

What do you mean we are only gaining 4x on the power used. Why is that... Oh because all of these CPU's tasked at 75% use 100% of the time is creating so much more heat we have to run our HVAC systems at a higher rate thereby cutting into the cost savings we had projected? Why didn't someone tell us that? Oh you did... and you have the email I responded to saying It'll be fine. Huh... uhhh... ok.
Good job AMD, I guess.

But I feel this is more due to the pitiful state of AMD mobile processors in 2014, than to how impressive AMD mobile CPU's are today...
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