[PR] AMD Launches Ryzen 9 3900XT, Ryzen 7 3800XT, and Ryzen 5 3600XT Processors


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: AMD

Today, AMD announced three new additions to the 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen desktop processor family – the AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT, AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT and AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT processors. Introducing XT branding for the first time to the Ryzen family of processors, the new AMD Ryzen 3000XT desktop processors are purpose-built to maximize performance under any workload. Expanding on the award-winning 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen processor family, 3000XT series desktop processors are optimized with higher boost frequencies to deliver elite-level performance that dominates gaming and content creation.

Today also marks worldwide availability of the AMD B550 chipset, the first mainstream chipset with...

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A whole lotta meh in my opinion. All depends on where the price settles at after release. I can't see the 3600XT being worth $45 more than a 3600X or a $170 3600.
Those whacky kids over at AMD taking a cue from Intel .. niiiiiice!
It's tempting to drop a 3800X into my ASUS ROG Crosshair VII Hero X470 MB to replace my 2700x. Then do another upgrade next year with a new MB and CPU. The 3800X seems like a better value than the 3800Xt.
Maybe I missed it but what chipsetsnsupport the new store Mi technology? Otherwise for those of us on 3000 series cpu's it's a meh. This is for people looking to make the jump or people on older Gena that were holding out for the next line... That may just give in and bite the bullet now. Really for consumers it would be better if this was a meh cycle for AMD so. They don't think these 4 percent boosts are acceptable to their user base. In truth we expect better from AMD.
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