ProArtist’s IFE2 Bracket Solves That Annoying Issue of AMD CPUs Sticking to Coolers


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Images: Chiphell

AMD’s AM4 socket is very easy to work with (just drop a processor down, and hit the lever), but as some users have learned, it comes with an annoying drawback: there isn’t always enough tension and security between the processor and socket to prevent the chip from getting stuck to the cooler when it’s being removed! (If you’re a non-believer, check out AMD’s own installation guide, which warns users to “twist the CPU cooler clockwise and counterclockwise to loosen the seal between the heatsink and the lid of the CPU” during removal.)...

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Okie dokey, I just give em a little twist and off they come. Don't know that I need an add on item to assist with this. But hey a sucker is born every minute.
I think the problem comes with individuals lifting up whilst they twist and then pulling the CPU out of the socket and bending pins at the same time .. We at The Stanford Institute of Smart Thinking and Innovative Thought .. have devised a truly revolutionary tactic to counter the Pull and Twist method.

We call it .. "P.A.T.P.A.T."
Push and Twist .. Push and Twist.

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I've seen a lot of people have this issue.

I don't understand it, because I have never encountered it myself.

The push down while twisting method does seem like it would solve that.

This bracket looks like it might mess with tolerance stackups on some coolers.
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