Report: AMD Radeon RX 6800 Series Stock Will Be “Pretty Terrible, Like RTX 3080 Terrible”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: AMD

Those of you who are planning to purchase an AMD Radeon RX 6800 Series graphics card this week may want to temper your expectations because you probably aren’t getting one. That’s according to Hardware Unboxed’s Steve Walton, who claimed in an unboxing video that stock would be “terrible” – as bad as NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 3080, in fact.

“(Availability) of these cards will be a hot topic when they release,” reads a transcript by VideoCardz. “So technically they are being released on the 18th (that’s when you are going to see our review) […] but I’m not really expecting you to buy one. I have spoken with quite a few...

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Well in scanning through that article they don't expect stock in quantity in Australia until a few weeks after launch. You realize that is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better than the still unavailable RTX 3000 series? Unless I'm way off base and you can walk into a retailer in Australia and buy one.
Why even bother releasing anything until you have something to sell? This crap makes zero sense to me.

Here! Shiny new! Shame you can't buy it.
According to reports it isn't a case of their not being stock. Just not enough to meet current demand. Consider every card takes money to produce. And divisions need to maintain profit ratios. So they have to do work against each other... meaning you produce and sell what you can sell so you can produce more and maintain profit. The closer to cost you sell your pieces at the fewer you make in a batch until you know demand will be sustainable.
Is the 3080 being produced currently?
It feels like it has fallen in the way side and substituted with promises of different cards in the future.
Personally I think the 3080 is a blowout value 10 gigs or not. I don't think the 10gigs are a worry at all NV handles memory usually very well.
Hopefully AMDs launch will go well, but seems they will get hit with part of NV demand... Which will make them look bad. Nvidia should have been ramping up, but doesn't seem to, seems they have a hard issue with production, not saying dies, could be a hard limit on memory I guess... Something is not ramping up on NVs side.
Meaning, there was once again a different demand landscape for AMD to navigate as they were probably counting on a proper Nvidia launch.
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At this point, the production and availability is so pathetic it's not really a launch.

Why even call it that? Tell folks when you have enough product to actually sell.

I get hype and marketing, but is anyone even talking about these GPUs, they are so scarce no one has one, no one can get one.......I mean really.....who cares.
Is the 3080 being produced currently?
It feels like it has fallen in the way side and substituted with promises of different cards in the future.
Personally I think the 3080 is a blowout value 10 gigs or not. I don't think the 10gigs are a worry at all NV handles memory usually very well.
Hopefully AMDs launch will go well, but seems they will get hit with part of NV demand... Which will make them look bad. Nvidia should have been ramping up, but doesn't seem to, seems they have a hard issue with production, not saying dies, could be a hard limit on memory I guess... Something is not ramping up on NVs side.
Meaning, there was once again a different demand landscape for AMD to navigate as they were probably counting on a proper Nvidia launch.

A 3080 FE would have been a great fit for my Fractal Define nano S case. True two slot and a exhaust fan.
I would have probably tried it out at the start if available.
Now waiting for EVGA Hybrids.

With the shortages I'm gonna guess the FE is no longer in production and everything produced goes to the board partners to give them at least a little bit of inventory.

If AMD can't deliver inventory to their board partners in meaningful amounts it's going to be slim times...and slow sales in a unstable economy..
Is the 3080 being produced currently?
The real tell will be nVidia financial results for their Q3 and Q4. If they post strong earnings in Gaming sector - then yeah, they are cranking out as many as they can sell and the cash flow is great. We should be seeing Q3 results soon, which would cover Aug-Oct.

If it's struggling... or if they attempt to obfuscate their earnings by shuffling things around (they did just do a rather expensive ARM purchase)... then I think they are suffering significant supply constraints. There's also the possibility they are making AIBs pre-order chips, which could mask financial struggles with supply issues, but they couldn't mask it forever.

I don't think they are doing that intentionally - or at least no company would beyond maybe a couple of weeks just for the buzz. You never want to eat into your cash flow.
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Ugh, another frustrating product release. I just wonder if they're all gonna sell out world wide in a matter of seconds like Nvidia's cards did.

Just doesn't make sense how all these POS scalpers have become superpowered all of a sudden.
Well, I tried and failed - I will not have a 6800XT this week. I even hired the neighbor to use his fancy sneaker bot to buy a card with no luck. Next disappointment 6900XT?
The real tell will be nVidia financial results for their Q3 and Q4. If they post strong earnings in Gaming sector - then yeah, they are cranking out as many as they can sell and the cash flow is great. We should be seeing Q3 results soon, which would cover Aug-Oct.

The numbers are in:

Revenue in the gaming market was up 37% from last year to $2.27 billion, which the company called a record and attributed to sales of graphics cards to computer and console makers, and said that desktop sales benefitted from the launch of its new RTX graphics cards.

Not absolute proof, as there could be some AIB contract shenanigans or pre-sales accounting voodoo in there, but pretty strong evidence that nVidia really is moving a good deal of Ampere, it's just getting tripped up on the way to the shelves.

Of note: sales of graphics cards to console makers. The Switch was going gangbusters lately, I didn't think it would be all that lucrative to nVidia and I'm not aware of nVidia being in any other console (other than the OG Xbox), but apparently it's of enough note to make the quarterly financial report.

Off topic but also of note:

Nvidia said on Wednesday that it expected to close the ARM acquisition in the first quarter of 2022.
Is the 3080 being produced currently?

Must be because I bought one but they sell fast, I had notification on from a vendor, saw the mail, clicked on the link they had 9 in stock, went trough the order process and checked again, and all were gone already. I tried calling the store to see if I actually had one or just a preorder, but they were so busy on the phone that in the 1.5 hours I tried calling them I never got trough, tried 12 times, only later in the evening when I got the mail that it was shipping I knew I had one.

I have an Asus TUF, suprised I could actually buy one, would have tought they would be preordered for at least the next 6 months. it is the non OC version though. for the 3070 they have already 400 on backorder.
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