Rocket League Is Going Free to Play, but Leaving Steam


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Psyonix

Since its release in 2015, Rocket League has captured the attention of millions of players worldwide, but that audience is about to get even bigger. Psyonix, the vehicular soccer game’s developer, has announced that it is going free to play this summer!

But wait – is Rocket League’s gameplay changing in any way? Nope. “The core gameplay will remain the same, but we are refining the main menus to make exploring the game easier,” Psyonix explained. “Plus, we’re revamping and improving major features like Tournaments and Challenges, and introducing cross-platform progression! Rocket League action on the field will still be the same core, high-octane hybrid of sports and action you love today, and soon, even more players will share that love.”

There’s a minor...

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I wasn't really interested in this before, but now?

Now I am guaranteed not to touch it with a 12ft pole.
well, it's virtually free to play as it is... copies have been under $10 for about as long as I can remember.
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