Rumor: Knights of the Old Republic Is Getting a “Re-imagining” That Lines Up with Disney Canon


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: BioWare

Whispers of a remake have been in the air since 2015, but the fabled retread of BioWare’s Star Wars classic, Knights of the Old Republic, could finally be in the works. Geek-culture site Cinelinx has heard from two independent sources that the RPG is back in development.

That’s pretty interesting news in itself, but one of these sources provided an additional nugget. Apparently, the Knights of the Old Republic remake won’t be your average makeover, but more of a “sequel” or “re-imagining” that will make minor (or major) changes to the original.

The point of this is to “bring certain things” in line with Lucasfilm and Disney’s current Star Wars canon. There’s no indication of what could be changed, but revised side-quests and dialog options...

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I could play this game again with an updated engine. But that's all I'd really want changed. Engine and Graphics. The gameplay was fine and the story top notch.
I'd totally be up for a replay of this game - not sure about lining up with 'Disney canon' or what that even means. Perhaps characters from their rumored high republic films?

I dunno, I'm hesitant about anything Star Wars-related at this point.
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