Rumored AMD Ryzen CPU Allocation and Availability for Q1 2021


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: AMD

Wccftech has shared the supposed allocation and availability of AMD’s Ryzen 5000 Series processors for Q1 2021, which should be useful for those of you who are curious about how difficult it’ll be to get your hands on red team’s most cutting-edge CPUs in the coming months. Apparently, the AMD Ryzen 5950X and 5900X will (unsurprisingly) be very difficult to find, while the Ryzen 5800X and 5600X SKUs will be more plentiful. You can check out the chart below, which also includes availability for select Ryzen 3000 Series processors.

“Unfortunately for AMD HEDT customers, the Ryzen 5950X and 5900X are going to be extremely tight all quarter (these parts have a massive amount of demand) and it is going to be exceedingly hard to get your hands on them without paying a heavy premium,” Wccftech...

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Ok.. So availability of the 5900X is going to be abysmal... I want to replace the 2700X at the office, but this isn't helping me much. :(

Do I bite the bullet as say F'it and get the 10900K + Mobo to replace my work machine ($750 for both), or do I wait for the Intel 11K drop and hope and pray the 5900X becomes available?
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