San Francisco Could Be the First US City to Ban E-Cigarettes


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Vaping may soon be illegal in Golden Gate City. San Francisco supervisors have approved a ban on the sale and distribution of e-cigarettes, as well as their manufacturing on city property.

The legislation was introduced to curb youth vaping, but critics say it won't do much good. Some believe it will encourage the usage of regular, more hazardous cigarettes.

"But the prohibition of vapor products for all adults in San Francisco will not effectively address underage use and will leave cigarettes on shelves as the only choice for adult smokers, even though they kill 40,000 Californians every year," Juul spokesman Ted Kwong said.

Tuesday's vote also sets the stage for a November ballot fight over e-cigarettes. Juul has already contributed $500,000 to the Coalition for Reasonable Vaping Regulation, which is set to gather signatures to put an initiative on the issue before voters.

The American Vaping Association opposed San Francisco's proposal as well, saying adult smokers deserve access to less hazardous alternatives.
San Francisco is officially the dumbest city in the country. People crapping on the sidewalks, ridiculous cost of living, and its a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants. It's also the **** hole that let a killer go free. You know, the one who says he shot a woman by accident. Never mind the fact that he stole the firearm from a government agent's car and had been deported five times previously. They also disregarded the father who was with his daughter at the time of her death.
How bout when involved parents catch their kids vaping, they wear that *** out? Adults continue to enjoy their adult choice products.

Make sense?
Just came back from a trip to Europe.

Everywhere I went they treated vaping products exactly the same as traditional tobacco products. Legal most places, but where smoking is banned (restaurants, bus stops, train stations, planes, etc.) they made it very clear this applied to vaping products as well.

I don't know if an outright ban is in order, though I do feel that many people have been operating under the assumption for years now that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, and I don't think that has ever been shown anywhere conclusively. Especially with all these juices coming from unregulated sources and able to contain all sorts of chemicals.
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