Sony Confirms More PS5s Will Be Available This Year Amid “Unprecedented” Demand


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Sony

In a recent interview with Russia’s TASS, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan boasted that every PlayStation 5 has been sold. “Everything is sold,” he claimed. “Absolutely everything is sold. And everything will be sold in Russia, there’s no doubt about that.”

We’re not sure how true that actually is, as we’ve been seeing some decent restocks among popular retailers, but those of you who haven’t had luck finding a PS5 should be glad to hear that Sony is definitely getting more on shelves before the new year.

“We want to thank gamers everywhere for making the PS5 launch our biggest console launch ever,” the official PlayStation account tweeted this morning. “Demand...

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"unprecidented demand". Oh, it was very "precidented". This is the new normal for the hot new tech... only produce tiny numbers and create massive demands (and scalping). IE - the Nintendo business model.

Also see Xbox series X, Ryzen 5000 CPUs, Radeon 6000 GPUs, Nvidia 3000 GPUs, etc etc etc
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