Sony Considered Pricing PlayStation 5 Games Even Higher Than $69.99


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Sony

Nobody is happy about the price hikes that are being introduced alongside Sony and Microsoft’s next-gen consoles, which release later this week, but there’s some good news: they could have been even worse.

In a story regarding the rise of video game pricing and its potential effect on a down economy, Bloomberg revealed that Sony was actually considering raising the costs of its premium games beyond $69.99.

No figure was provided in the story, but we’re guessing that executives were mulling the possibility of launching its biggest first-party titles, such as Demon’s Souls, at $79.99.

“Inside publishing houses, a price hike has been plotted and dissected by executives for years,” Bloomberg wrote. “They point to inflation, as well...

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The ballooning development costs are the publisher's own fault. They have this idea in their minds that people want more and more "cinematic" graphics when we generally just want better games made by passionate developers without publishers meddling in the creative process and trying to monetize every aspect of gameplay. But I guess that is too much to ask.
The ballooning development costs are the publisher's own fault. They have this idea in their minds that people want more and more "cinematic" graphics when we generally just want better games made by passionate developers without publishers meddling in the creative process and trying to monetize every aspect of gameplay. But I guess that is too much to ask.
Add to that " Hollywood" actors... Which is absurd to me.
Add to that " Hollywood" actors... Which is absurd to me.
That, too. The union nonsense from a couple years ago was ridiculous, and the industry was all too happy to kowtow to their demands just so they can continue having first-billed screen actors in their games while gleefully paying for their ridiculous negotiated salaries. It's not even necessary. Look at how well having the video editor in the main role of Senua in Hellblade worked out.
I don't care if they charge $90 per game at launch, it makes no difference to me. I only buy games when they go on sale. The way things are these days, games go on sale for 50% off just a few months after launch (that's how I picked up Doom 2016 and Gears 4), and within a year or two after launch, you can find games for $5-$10 (like when I grabbed Titanfall 2 two years after launch for $5). So long as you are not on a Nintendo system (where $40 is the deepest sale you'll ever see, and games from 2012 still sell for full f|_|cking price), you don't have to wait long for games to hit really good prices. Last year I bought physical copies of Uncharted Collection, Uncharted Lost Legacy, God of War 4, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition, and GT Sport for $10 each. Years ago I got digital versions of games like Wipeout Omega Collection for $5. And Sony gave away Uncharted Collection for free earlier this year as well. I get around to games when I get around to them, and by then, the prices are most agreeable.
Add to that " Hollywood" actors... Which is absurd to me.
I actually find it annoying and a waste that now characters in games have to look like hollywood actors. They copy the look of a famous person, and pay millions of dollars to them, in order to give up their creative freedom to make the character look any which way they want.

But still these games make more money than they cost. People can't wait for narrative driven high profile games, so I don'T understand why isn't there more.
I don't care if they charge $90 per game at launch, it makes no difference to me. I only buy games when they go on sale. The way things are these days, games go on sale for 50% off just a few months after launch (that's how I picked up Doom 2016 and Gears 4), and within a year or two after launch, you can find games for $5-$10 (like when I grabbed Titanfall 2 two years after launch for $5). So long as you are not on a Nintendo system (where $40 is the deepest sale you'll ever see, and games from 2012 still sell for full f|_|cking price), you don't have to wait long for games to hit really good prices. Last year I bought physical copies of Uncharted Collection, Uncharted Lost Legacy, God of War 4, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition, and GT Sport for $10 each. Years ago I got digital versions of games like Wipeout Omega Collection for $5. And Sony gave away Uncharted Collection for free earlier this year as well. I get around to games when I get around to them, and by then, the prices are most agreeable.
You hardly see first party sony titles 50% off ever, let alone in a few months. I'm fine paying maybe 70 for games like the last of us2, but 90 would probably make me think very hard and long, and probably rather delay the purchase.
Well, one good example of teaching the wrong lesson:

The Marvel Avengers game that just released. It was universally panned because S/E didn't secure the rights to the character likenesses. They got close anyway, but it's not Chris Evans or Hemsworth or Downey Jr.

Now the game tanked. The fact that it's tanking has nothing to do with the fact they didn't shuck out millions of dollars to secure the rights to use the actors/actresses images.

But I bet that's what not only S/E's C-Suite is going to take away from this, but a lot of other publishers: "If only we had got those rights .... "
You hardly see first party sony titles 50% off ever,

They hit the "Playstation Hits" status and drop to $20 in 18-24 months. Biggest first party titles of the PS4 generation (HDZ, GoW, among others). Spiderman was down around there before the imminent PS5 re-release, now it's back up in price a bit.
They hit the "Playstation Hits" status and drop to $20 in 18-24 months. Biggest first party titles of the PS4 generation (HDZ, GoW, among others). Spiderman was down around there before the imminent PS5 re-release, now it's back up in price a bit.

Yar, I grabbed GoW digitally under $20 CAD. A year or two after its initial release, mind you, but unlike Nintendo, Sony isn't afraid to offer heavy discounts on their first party software.
Well, one good example of teaching the wrong lesson:

The Marvel Avengers game that just released. It was universally panned because S/E didn't secure the rights to the character likenesses. They got close anyway, but it's not Chris Evans or Hemsworth or Downey Jr.

Now the game tanked. The fact that it's tanking has nothing to do with the fact they didn't shuck out millions of dollars to secure the rights to use the actors/actresses images.

But I bet that's what not only S/E's C-Suite is going to take away from this, but a lot of other publishers: "If only we had got those rights .... "
I thought the characters were more widely panned for just being fugly. But then again with the mainstream culture I can see this being the case. Marvel and Disney really are victims of their own success.
Well, one good example of teaching the wrong lesson:

The Marvel Avengers game that just released. It was universally panned because S/E didn't secure the rights to the character likenesses. They got close anyway, but it's not Chris Evans or Hemsworth or Downey Jr.

Now the game tanked. The fact that it's tanking has nothing to do with the fact they didn't shuck out millions of dollars to secure the rights to use the actors/actresses images.

But I bet that's what not only S/E's C-Suite is going to take away from this, but a lot of other publishers: "If only we had got those rights .... "
That's a very different case, as there the movie franchise existed before the game. I can see that as off putting that the well established characters suddenly doesn't look anything like in the movies.
That's a very different case, as there the movie franchise existed before the game. I can see that as off putting that the well established characters suddenly doesn't look anything like in the movies.
And the comic book franchise existed first.
Agree with the points made so far. Don't need Hollywood actors and their ridiculous price tag to make a great game. Resident Evil has the worst voice acting in the history of voice acting and it was still an incredible game.

And while ground (and GPU) breaking graphics are cool and all, almost all my all time favorite games that I still play often are older and didn't have top tier graphics even for their time (Mass Effect, Dead Space, Arkham, Max Payne).

I understand that game prices haven't gone up in 20 years or so but making games nearly $100 will probably kill the AAA game industry. The most popular games out right now are Among Us which is like $5 I think, Rocket League and Fortnite which are free, Minecraft which is like $25. I think if games get priced too high, you'll see more and more gamers either finding a new pastime or playing more games like Minecraft.

I myself will just keep replaying all my old favorites and wait for newer titles to go on sale.
And while ground (and GPU) breaking graphics are cool and all, almost all my all time favorite games that I still play often are older and didn't have top tier graphics even for their time (Mass Effect, Dead Space, Arkham, Max Payne).
None of those games were considered bad looking when they were released.
I'd rather have GPU breaking graphics that is future proof, than a game that runs 100fps on a current graphics card.
You cannot turn up the graphics if it's already maxed out, but you can turn it down if you have performance issues.

I understand that game prices haven't gone up in 20 years or so but making games nearly $100 will probably kill the AAA game industry. The most popular games out right now are Among Us which is like $5 I think, Rocket League and Fortnite which are free, Minecraft which is like $25. I think if games get priced too high, you'll see more and more gamers either finding a new pastime or playing more games like Minecraft.
I think they understand that the people playing those games are a very different audience than those playing AAA games.
I sure as hell wouldn't start playing any of those if suddenly I couldn't afford AAA games.
And the comic book franchise existed first.
I think we all know the game is not made because of the comic books. I'm sure at least 90% of the movie's fans have never read the comic books before seeing the movie.
Xbox Series X is looking more and more like a thing for me... My ps4 is fine and all, but i ain't a loyalist and what not ( do love my nintendos but the company's attitude ( anti lets play videos for example ) is finally corroding my good will)
Xbox Series X is looking more and more like a thing for me... My ps4 is fine and all, but i ain't a loyalist and what not ( do love my nintendos but the company's attitude ( anti lets play videos for example ) is finally corroding my good will)
I admit I'm seriously considering it. XBGP is starting to actually look decent. Has nothing to do with the hardware though. Some days I just like to chill on the couch with a controller and a beer, and consoles scratch that itch very well - doesn't really matter what brand it is, other than for games that I had already purchased.

I will also admit I tried to score a PS5 today. 4 times I got it in the cart: 4 times the websites crashed when I tried to check out. So maybe that's karma trying to tell me something.
None of those games were considered bad looking when they were released.
I'd rather have GPU breaking graphics that is future proof, than a game that runs 100fps on a current graphics card.
You cannot turn up the graphics if it's already maxed out, but you can turn it down if you have performance issues.

No they weren't bad looking games when they came out but they weren't ground or GPU breaking either.... in fact they were all console ports! I love superb graphics as much as the next guy but they don't have to reinvent Crysis every new game to make good games worth buying.

I think they understand that the people playing those games are a very different audience than those playing AAA games
I sure as hell wouldn't start playing any of those if suddenly I couldn't afford AAA games.

I already have switched. I haven't found a AAA worth playing in a while and I now play more Fortnite and Call of Duty than anything else. You start charging $100 for a game and I think you'll see a lot more people following the same path or just quit gaming outright.
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