Sony Shuts Down Rumors of PlayStation 5 Production Issues and Potential Shortages


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Sony

Yesterday evening, Bloomberg published a report claiming that Sony was reducing its PlayStation 5 output by as many as 4 million units due to production headaches stemming from the next-generation console’s custom-designed SoCs. Now we’re learning that it was a work of fiction.

In a statement provided to, Sony bluntly noted that the allegations were “false” and that PS5 production is proceeding as planned. We’re seeing some conflicting figures, but based on some of the more optimistic estimates, the Japanese gaming giant could churn out as many as 15 million systems for this fiscal year...

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They will churn out just enough units that people will really want them and pay premiums to resellers on ebay and such. That always generates press and makes the normal asking price seem so much more reasonable. If they DON'T do this where units are plentiful and available they are likely to sell less.

It pays to under deliver on units even if it's artificial. Because it simply drives up value making them more 'desirable'.
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