Steam Deck Gets Experimental Support for Changing In-Game Screen Refresh Rate, Can Greatly Improve Battery Life


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Valve has released a new beta patch for Steam Deck that adds experimental support for changing a game's screen refresh rate. Users can adjust the refresh rate of a game by finding the new slider in the Quick Access Menu Performance tab, which allows for the refresh rate to be changed to a value between 40 to 60 Hz.

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I have little use for one of these things, but I put in my reservation a bit ago anyway. Looks like it could be fun to play around on, although I don't have any practical purpose for it and for most games I play it is an entirely inappropriate device. None the less, I want one. Kinda like a RPi - I don't really have any use for them, but I keep getting them every so often to play with.
I think about getting one of these because it's neat but I just can't justify it.
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