Steam Reaches New Concurrent Online User Record of 20 Million, with 6.2 Million In-Game


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Steam

SARS-CoV-2 – the deadly coronavirus that continues to spread worldwide – isn’t something that anyone should be cheering on or celebrating, but it seems to be doing a real favor for digital services, which have seen their numbers blossom from the increasing amount of people quarantining themselves at home.

Steam, for one, achieved a new record in concurrent users today – an astounding 20,313,476, to be exact. This is a 5.6 percent gain from February’s peak, which was an already-impressive 19,238,796 users.

Image: Steam

There were also 6.2 million users who were actually in-game at some point today, according to Steam Database. (The record to that, however...

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Not surprised in the least. People with broadband and streaming and gaming setups will be taking micro vacations during this time and getting paid for it. (As a lot of them like me can work from home.)
Not surprising since most people are staying in now.
No work for a lot of folks. No college/school.
No live sports to watch
Weather is still ify in many parts of the world.
Im impressed by the numbers but not at all surprised.
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