Steam Sets Another Record Today with 26.4 Million Concurrent Users


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Valve

It appears that there is nothing stopping the PC games juggernaut that Valve built. Following an already-impressive milestone of 25.4 million peak concurrent users back in January, the digital distribution service managed to outdo itself again today with a new record of 26.4 million users. The achievement was highlighted by Steam Database, which shared a graph confirming that over 7.3 million were in-game during the peak.

“While Steam was already seeing significant growth in 2020 before COVID-19 lockdowns, video game playtime surged when people started staying home, dramatically increasing the number of customers buying and playing games, and hopefully bringing some joy to counter-balance some of the craziness that was 2020,” Valve...

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Who has the record for biggest Steam library backlog?
I think I'm around 1,000. I had a problem with buying games that I admit to. I have thankfully grown out of that. I take extra time now while browsing sales to think about when I plan on playing this. I will add things to my shopping cart and then go through it removing things that way. It has been working out for me really well. I will still buy games that are licensed that I may have a a strong interest in due to those having a habit of having short distribution deals. My FOMO is still real in that area.
Another way to read this...

With just about everyone with an office job working from home now... there is a WHOLE LOT of goofing off going on. ;)
Humble Bundle has had some surprisingly fun titles, but it's equally guilty of bloating my library with a lot of junk. I recommend it.
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