Surface Duo This Summer? Microsoft Wants to Launch Its Dual-Screen Android Phone ASAP


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Microsoft

Surface Duo fans may be able to rock the ingenious, dual-screen Android phone as early as this summer.

According to Windows Central’s sources, Microsoft wants to release the novel device months ahead of schedule. The mobile was originally announced with a Holiday 2020 release date, but an early launch is possible because both the hardware and software are reportedly finished.

“Android 10 has been complete since August 2019, so Microsoft is currently focused on finalizing the top-level OS customizations and in-box app experiences specific to Surface Duo,” explained Windows Central.

“I’m told that...

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That anemic ram and storage will bite them in the ***.
“Android 10 has been complete since August 2019, so Microsoft is currently focused on finalizing the top-level OS customizations and in-box app experiences specific to Surface Duo,” explained Windows Central.


Just give me vanilla Android, or give me nothing.

I do not want an Ms. Android with Corona, err. I mean Cortanam Windows Store and other added bullshit.

Give me vanilla Android, and I'll install the things I want myself. Nothing else is acceptable.
For an Android-ish device, I don't believe it's anemic..

That depends on the price. Take a look at the Samsung S20 and S20+ phones. If price point is close to those but the spec's are not, then people won't buy.

Now if it comes in under a thousand dollars and gives you full dual screen... that's a different story.
That depends on the price. Take a look at the Samsung S20 and S20+ phones. If price point is close to those but the spec's are not, then people won't buy.

Now if it comes in under a thousand dollars and gives you full dual screen... that's a different story.
I agree. The price has to be sub-$1000.
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