The Coalition Releases First Screenshot of “Alpha Point,” an Unreal Engine 5 Technical Demo Running on Xbox Series X|S


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: The Coalition

The developer behind the popular Gears of Wars franchise, The Coalition, will be showcasing a new technical demo dubbed “Alpha Point” that demonstrates how great its future titles built with Epic Games’ next-gen Unreal Engine 5 should look running on Microsoft’s Xbox Series X|S consoles. Epic Games and The Coalition have shared a screenshot teasing Alpha Point’s visuals ahead of the event, which shows the same level of remarkable environmental and texture detail that was initially illustrated in Unreal Engine 5’s first real-time demo running on PlayStation 5 last summer. The Coalition’s Alpha Point demo will be broadcast as part of GDC 2021 on July 20 at 1:20 PM to 2:20 PM PDT...

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Wait I thought Sony was in bed with Epic/Unreal Engine....
Wait I thought Sony was in bed with Epic/Unreal Engine....
Microsoft-owned dev studio The Coalition made Gears of War 4 and 5, and some of those devs came from Epic and worked on previous Gears of War games. 4 and 5 were some of the best examples of what UE4 and DX12 could do. Epic and The Coalition always work very closely together, and that has helped push the engine even further. I expect the same to happen with UE5 whenever The Coalition decides to makes Gears of War 6.
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