The Coalition Teases Future of Xbox Series X Visuals with Alpha Point Technical Demo and Character Rendering Test on Unreal Engine 5


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Microsoft

The developer behind Microsoft’s Gears of Wars franchise, The Coalition, has released a technical demo that provides a glimpse at what future installments of the popular action shooter might look like on Epic Games’ latest game engine. Dubbed Alpha Point, the technical demo was created entirely in Unreal Engine 5 and showcases impressive real-time lighting and reflections. An inset confirms that the demo features more than 100 million triangles. Additionally, the Coalition has shared a rendering test on Unreal Engine 5 that demonstrates an eerily realistic soldier.

The Coalition present #AlphaPoint – an insight into the team’s first tech demo created entirely in Unreal Engine 5. With Gears 5 pushing graphics to all new heights with Unreal Engine 4 back in 2019, the team is looking to the future and demonstrated...

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Gotta admit that looks really good. Now lets see it with some environmental variables.. you know like rain hitting the face and beard. Facial muscles reacting, eyes moving, that sort of thing. Gradual improvement to see where the xbox chokes.
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