The Last of Us Part II Is the Fastest-Selling First-Party PS4 Exclusive Ever


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Naughty Dog

The Last of Us fans haven’t been entirely happy about the narrative direction that its sequel has taken, but that hasn’t stopped the game from being a massive financial hit. Yesterday, PlayStation’s head of marketing revealed that The Last of Us Part II managed to sell more than 4 million copies in just a few days, making it the fastest-selling first-party PS4 exclusive ever.

“We’re delighted to report that The Last of Us Part II is now the fastest-selling first-party PS4 exclusive ever with more than 4 million copies sold through as of June 21,” wrote Eric Lempel, Senior Vice President, PlayStation Worldwide Marketing. “This milestone would not have been reached without the support from our amazing fans, so on behalf of everyone at SIE...

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We will see if its the fastest drop too. I almost pre ordered, if it wasn't for my dislike of paying 60$ for games (prefer discounts later on). I ain't buying at all after learning the story line. I'm okay with just the first one. Mentally I was looking forward to a game of exploration and zombies with a story line of discovery, perhaps something about the source of the pathogens... Or that something new is happening and I needed to discover with Ellie and Joel... I was expecting a death or otherwise something serious to happen to either Ellie or Joel (kidnapped, transformation!!... Mistery!)... The themes of gay lesbian where present on the first title, I expected some of it in the same or similar fashion, basically being it is what it is and this is the character, and this is part of them, that was very well executed on the first.
From what I've seen the story of this game is not for me.
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