Unreal Could Be the Next PC Classic to Receive a Remaster


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Epic MegaGames and Digital Extremes released Unreal in 1998, a landmark first-person shooter that was the first to utilize Epic's groundbreaking Unreal Engine that has since gone through five major updates to power many of today's biggest games.

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I started a playthrough of Unreal Gold using a DX11 renderer and HD textures a few years ago. I put hours into it but I haven't finished it yet. Haven't touched it in a good while actually. I never finished the game back in the day, so I wanted to finally go all the way through it, but I got distracted. I've since played other games and spent time on non-gaming-related projects. I did enjoy my time with Unreal 1 thus far, but I just haven't felt like playing it in a good while. Not sure why.

Would be awesome if this game got the Nightdive remaster treatment. Most if not all of their remasters have been f*cking awesome.
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I've been hoping for a remaster of Unreal Tournament 99, with the same exact game play. That would be awesome if done right.
I would like to see the Unreal engine demoed to it's full potential with a remaster/remake of unreal tournament. But I don't need it to be shot for shot exact... but the feel would need to be there.
I would like to see the Unreal engine demoed to it's full potential with a remaster/remake of unreal tournament. But I don't need it to be shot for shot exact... but the feel would need to be there.
So long as it has CTF-Face, I'm good.
I've been hoping for a remaster of Unreal Tournament 99, with the same exact game play. That would be awesome if done right.
In your dreams, all multiplayer games are now PUGB/fortnite clones :LOL: :p :rolleyes:
I've been hoping for a remaster of Unreal Tournament 99, with the same exact game play. That would be awesome if done right.
That would be fantastic - I loved UT. Use it as a demo for all the best graphics too, let it bring a 3090ti to its knees at 1080p in ultra mode.
I started a playthrough of Unreal Gold using a DX11 rendering and HD textures a few years ago. I put hours into it but I haven't finished it yet. Haven't touched it in a good while actually. I never finished the game back in the day, so I wanted to finally go all the way through it, but I got distracted. I've since played other games and spent time on non-gaming-related projects. I did enjoy my time with Unreal 1 thus far, but I just haven't felt like playing it in a good while. Not sure why.

Would be awesome if this game got the Nightdive remaster treatment. Most if not all of their remasters have been f*cking awesome.
It was one of my favorite games back in the day. Played it on a Matrox M3d and later on a Voodoo 2. Its a game I revisit every now and then, but never took the time to actually finish it. Go figure.
I still remember how my jaw dropped when I saw the Unreal intro on a Matrox M3d fully accelerated glorious VGA resolution with its propietary renderer, can't remember its name, think it was metal or so.

A couple of years ago I revisited at 4K on my GTX1070Ti and DX11

:LOL: :p :D
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I've been hoping for a remaster of Unreal Tournament 99, with the same exact game play. That would be awesome if done right.
Might as well hope for something like that that since we'll never get a completed UT4. I still play UT1, UT2K4 and UT3 a few times a year, every year. They've remained installed on every single PC I've had since those games were new.

For many years I was hoping we would get an Unreal 3, but I've given up on that too. Unreal II was quite a disappointment.

I was sad that Unreal Engine 4 never got an Unreal game of any kind. I won't be holding my breath for an Unreal game on UE5 either.

In your dreams, all multiplayer games are now PUGB/fortnite clones
You mean in our nightmares.
I've been hoping for a remaster of Unreal Tournament 99, with the same exact game play. That would be awesome if done right.
As much as I liked UT at the time, nope, I don't want it. That era is gone and never comes back. UT was a lan party game through and through. We last played it in the office in 2008 or 2009? I want those memories to remain and not overwritten by some remake like in the case of Mafia.
As much as I liked UT at the time, nope, I don't want it. That era is gone and never comes back. UT was a lan party game through and through. We last played it in the office in 2008 or 2009? I want those memories to remain and not overwritten by some remake like in the case of Mafia.
I used to play it at LAN parties with some friends from work at the time, and although they were great times, I still would like a game that plays that well. Playing against bots along with the mod community that made the game never get old was an absolute blast. Still go back to it from time to time.
Playing against bots along with the mod community that made the game never get old was an absolute blast. Still go back to it from time to time.
Yeah, that's why I stick around. I never seem to get tired of UT games. Every time I build a new PC I install all 3 and keep them around for the life of the PC.
I want those memories to remain and not overwritten by some remake like in the case of Mafia.
Yeah I'm not down for a remake. Remaster is fine (especially a Nightdive one), but the game doesn't need a remake. Although not all remakes are bad (see the XBLA remake of the original Perfect Dark).
Yeah I'm not down for a remake. Remaster is fine (especially a Nightdive one), but the game doesn't need a remake. Although not all remakes are bad (see the XBLA remake of the original Perfect Dark).
Yeah, a nightdive one is fine, because it never gets released :p

I never really played Unreal.

To me it was kind of an also-ran back then, in a world of Quakes and Dooms

I never really played Unreal.

To me it was kind of an also-ran back then, in a world of Quakes and Dooms
Compared to Quake and Doom Unreal was the adult in the room. Quake and Doom were still the classic brainless arcade style game where narrative and world building wasn't a big thing. Unreal brought that, not Half Life.

Either way, I want to add two things I hope the remaster includes Return to Na Pali too.

And I know there is no hope for this but I'd love an Unreal II remaster too. I really liked that game, IDK what was everyone's problem with it.
Compared to Quake and Doom Unreal was the adult in the room. Quake and Doom were still the classic brainless arcade style game where narrative and world building wasn't a big thing. Unreal brought that, not Half Life.

Either way, I want to add two things I hope the remaster includes Return to Na Pali too.

And I know there is no hope for this but I'd love an Unreal II remaster too. I really liked that game, IDK what was everyone's problem with it.

I remember trying it once in the 90's, thinking it was weird, and not going back.

I'll agree that the Dooms and Quakes were pretty brainless gibfests, and games like that are positively boring by modern standards, but I went down the Half Life to Counter-Strike and Deus Ex side of the family instead.

I think what doomed Unreal Tournament for me was the fact that it came out in 1999 and was an arena FPS, and I was so sick of arena style games.

I hated Q3A as well.

By then I was demanding more story in my single player games, and more team play dynamics in my multiplayer games, and more realism above all in everything.

The environment of UT was not very realistic to me, so I lost interest.
I remember trying it once in the 90's, thinking it was weird, and not going back.
Many people were thrown off by the fact that there is no shooting in the first few minutes of Unreal. Just exploration and finding plot clues.
I'll agree that the Dooms and Quakes were pretty brainless gibfests, and games like that are positively boring by modern standards, but I went down the Half Life to Counter-Strike and Deus Ex side of the family instead.
There was no reason you couldn't go down both paths.
I think what doomed Unreal Tournament for me was the fact that it came out in 1999 and was an arena FPS, and I was so sick of arena style games.
UT and Q3A were the first dedicated arena shooters that I knew about, But they were also the last. After those games I was no longer interested in multiplayer only titles. I consider UT99 and UT2003/2004 the same game basically, it's just a v2.0.
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