Valve Could Be Taking On Google Stadia with “Steam Cloud Gaming”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
GeForce Now, Google Stadia, PlayStation Now, and Project xCloud could be getting some serious competition. SteamDB has discovered a line of code from a partner site update that suggests Valve is preparing some kind of cloud gaming service. The company has already tackled streaming via Steam Remote Play and Steam Link Anywhere, so this seems like a logical, plausible step.

It seems that Valve might be working on a competitor for Google Stadia. Based on the SteamDatabase/SteamTracking information found on github the Steam Games partner portal page contains the following line of code: function SignLatestCloudGamingAddendum(returnURL).
Hmm.. I could see an iteration of Steam Remote Play, where it still uses your library, it's just that the game is run in the cloud someplace (rather than your local hardware) and streamed to you. It would be more or less seamless to what they already offer, except you aren't constrained by your home's upstream bandwidth or processing power.

That being said - still wouldn't be terribly interested. I really, really like Steam Remote Play, but even over LAN it is inferior to sitting down in front of the PC and playing; it's just an acceptable substitute for when I want to be lazy and play out on the patio, or out in the den or something on my iPad.
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