World’s First Portable Quantum Computers Released, Starting at Under $9,000 for 2 Qubits


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Switch Science Co., Ltd. has released what are reportedly the world's first portable quantum computers in the form of the Gemini Mini, Gemini, and Triangulum, all of which were developed by SpinQ Technology in Shenzhen, China, and start at ¥1,188,000 (USD ~8,700).

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This is kinda cool.

I admit, I have no idea how one would use a quantum computer. All my monkey brain can comprehend is that a qubit has the classic two states (1, 0) or a third superposition state, where it could be either 1 or 0. I have no idea how you would use that to any benefit, but apparently smart people can: something something something probabilities - I can't even pretend to understand it.

Thinking how Intel kicked things off with the 4004, which was only 4 bits in 1971, and even today's CPUs are mostly still just 64-bits all these years later, 2 qubits doesn't sound that insignificant.
Only 2 Qubits? Going to need 9 more to catch up with Hector :p

Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.
--Homer, the Iliad (Book VI)

All joking aside, who is the intended audience for this? Someone who needs to do niche experimental computing on the go, instead of at a university computer lab?
All joking aside, who is the intended audience for this? Someone who needs to do niche experimental computing on the go, instead of at a university computer lab?

I'm sure someone said the same thing about the PC when it was first introduced.
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