Xbox Series S “Lockhart” to Feature 4 Teraflops of GPU Performance


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Microsoft

Microsoft’s cheaper, less-powerful next-gen Xbox seems all but certain. Information security engineer TitleOS has shared internal release notes that mention a special profiling mode for “Lockhart,” which seems to confirm that a Series S console is definitely in the cards.

While the document doesn’t provide any insight into its potential specs, sources with The Verge claim that the next-gen variant will flaunt 4 teraflops of GPU performance – 8 TFLOPS less than the Xbox Series X – as well as a slightly slower CPU and 7.5 GB of usable memory for a 1080p or 1440p gaming experience. The profiling mode, as indicated below, would allow developers to better design for two disparate hardware configurations.


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So what? Graphics look like crap with it? Don't understand this strategy..
I dunno, I think it's a smart strategy. They're basically making a console that has the same graphical capabilities as the Series X but targets 1080p60/1440p30. I think that's a huge market still and they should be able to deliver a console at a very competitive price there.

Update on article: There's an update from the original source of this article saying that the CPU would remain the same (and not underclocked as originally mentioned).
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