Naughty Dog Reportedly Developing The Last of Us Remake for PlayStation 5


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Naughty Dog

Uncharted studio Naughty Dog is reportedly working on a next-gen remake of its massively popular 2013 post-apocalyptic action-adventure game, The Last of Us, for PlayStation 5. This is according to a report published today by Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier, who revealed that the remake was initially spearheaded by an unofficial team of developers formed by Visual Arts Service Group’s Michael Mumbauer, who has since left the Sony-owned, San Diego-based studio. Sony has scrapped those plans and handed the franchise back to its original makers.

NEW: In 2018, a small team of PlayStation developers tried to build their own studio to remake The Last of Us. Today, the game still exists but the studio doesn't. As we enter the PS5 era, Sony is avoiding risk and prioritizing its biggest teams. My story:—...

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No thanks. Couldn't even bring myself to play the remastered one for free on PS4. It was a great game I just don't want to sit through all that again.
Waaaay the f*ck too early for a remake. Also heard they might be remaking Uncharted 1. Too early for that too.
Also heard they might be remaking Uncharted 1. Too early for that too.

It's old and wonky enough to remake, I played uncharted 4 first and went back to the collection with the 3 first games and the first one is realy showing it's age, and not in a good way so imo this one is very much do for a remake.

Last of us part one is a bit different as they remastered it for the PS4 and while still good, it was noticable it was made for an older gen of console so I'll give this one a maybe.
Seems a little early to me too; Might just be because I'm growing impatient waiting for an improved Last of Us 2 PS5 release.

Though - maybe they want to remaster Last of Us 1 so they can release a souped up PC version alongside it. Now that would be something I could get excited for (KB+M controls!).
It's old and wonky enough to remake, I played uncharted 4 first and went back to the collection with the 3 first games and the first one is realy showing it's age, and not in a good way so imo this one is very much do for a remake.

Last of us part one is a bit different as they remastered it for the PS4 and while still good, it was noticable it was made for an older gen of console so I'll give this one a maybe.

I can't even get myself to finish the first Uncharted, the gameplay and controls are just so rough.
I'm all for it if it means it gets the playability and controls of 2. I've tried playing the remaster on PS4, and it was as atrocious as the original was on the PS3. The second game plays so much better it's not even comparable.
I can't even get myself to finish the first Uncharted, the gameplay and controls are just so rough.

Yeah the first one was like a supercharged tech demo / proof of concept and has sections that go on way too long. It is the weakest one, gameplay wise
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