AT&T to Pay $60 Million for Throttling "Unlimited" Data Plans


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
AT&T is paying the price for twisting the concept of "unlimited data." The FTC announced this week that the telecommunication giant would be paying $60 million over allegations of throttling: customers who purchased an unlimited data plan discovered that their data speeds would be reduced after just 2 GB of usage. Going forward, AT&T will have to disclose all restrictions prominently.

“AT&T promised unlimited data—without qualification—and failed to deliver on that promise,” said Andrew Smith, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “While it seems obvious, it bears repeating that Internet providers must tell people about any restrictions on the speed or amount of data promised.”
Good to be a lawyer. For everyone else affected, there will be $0.36 rebate check mailed out in 4 years, so long as you jump through a lot of rediculous hoops by arbitrary deadlines.
I'm sure AT&T is really going to feel the pain from that fine. :rolleyes:
Good to be a lawyer. For everyone else affected, there will be $0.36 rebate check mailed out in 4 years, so long as you jump through a lot of rediculous hoops by arbitrary deadlines.
They'll make the $60M back when they sell all the data collected so that you can receive your $0.36.
I'm sure AT&T is really going to feel the pain from that fine. :rolleyes:
Exactly. Big companies don't care anymore. Like the saying goes.. It's much easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. In this case, it's easier to just pay a fine.
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