From a coders perspective, you can play and tweak the DXR implementation in game, without other parts of the engine becomes a major bottleneck, unlike if you used a newer game engine.
If you look at the patchnotes it contains a lot of good info...the "tricks&lessons" learned here will spill over...
That same flawed argumentation can be used about:
Basically ANY image quaility uplift can be "adressed" the same way and is a fallacy to the technology and the benefits it brings to the table.
And I have used reflections in windows in-game to spot hostiles...I call that a change of...
I would like to see a game that uses MORE than one DXR effect that follow the "pattern" you just picked out from free fantasy.
The more DXR effects in-game, the more AMD suffers compared to NVIDIA.
DXR 1.1 was developed to make up for the defficiencies (lack of hardware BHV acceleration)...
Unless you set all graphical settings to LOW when you play, I am going to ignore you subjective non-argument...feel free to engage in a technical debate, but "I like pong-style graphics" has no relevance in regard to ray tracing and the perfomance gap (and why that gap is there) between vendors...
I have the opposite experience after playing games with eg. DXR GI, my brain gets "annoyed" when observing normal SSAO effects in other games...something is "off" (as in the lighting is more fake).
I think Digital Foundry kinda summed it up in eg. this video:
A bit more than a "parlor trick".
That is a very simplistic view on a very complex problem.
Ray Tracing can happen at different hardware levels:
Level 0 – Legacy Solutions (CPU's)
Level 1 – Software on Traditional GPUs (NVIDIA Pascal)
Level 2 – Ray/Box and Ray/Tri Testers in Hardware (AMD console GPU's/RDNA2)
Level 3 –...
Technically we are already doing that...James Webb will accelerate that...but we already know +4000 exo-planets now and we are observing them (exploring them) already :D
I disagree.
Godfall only uses DXR for Raytraced Shadows, meaning it is a DXR-lite game, where AMD does better than games using multiple DXR effects.
If you look at titles doing a LOT more DXR...the pattern is vey clear.
NVIDIA has a major performance benefit when multiple DXR effects are used at...
For the same reason they (in that case Epic) went into "damage control" mode after the Unreal Engine 5 demo was demonstrated on the PS5...and then an engineer leaked higher resolution/better FPS...on a laptop with a last-gen GPU.
Cannot have "next-gen" consoles being beaten by a last-gen...
They all run ESXi 7.0u3 and run all sorts of VM's in single-site, dual-site and Disaster Recovery as a Service config.
Each pod Leaf-SW's are connected to a Spines (that is connected to Super-Spines)
Designed a POD to run VDI's (also VxRAIL), each hosts had 4 GPU's...holy powerload :LOL: