Squadron 42: Star Citizen’s Single-Player Mode Could Be Years from Release, Warns Cloud Imperium


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Cloud Imperium Games

Star Citizen critics who have taken pleasure in accusing Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) of running a perpetual scam in the form of a space-combat sim may truly be on to something.

In a new issue of MVC, CIG COO Carl Jones suggested that the single-player portion of Star Citizen, Squadron 42, would not be released for at least one or two years. Designed to be a cinematic experience with appearances by recognizable actors such as Mark Hamill and Gary Oldman, Squadron 42 was supposed to be released in 2014.

“I guess we’ll see how long [Roberts] needs to be over,” CIG COO Carl Jones said before admitting that backers might have an extended wait ahead of them. “But yeah, it could be one or two years more.”

“He’s spending more time over here with the Squadron 42 team and with our other developers, but it’ll be this year when he moves...

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This game will either be the second coming of Christ where the stars align and the horns of heaven herald its arrival.

Or it will be such a meandering steaming pile of crap it will be a meme engine for decades.. maybe even twice as long as it was in development.

Personally I can't wait for it to release...

Then they can start crowd funding the expansion for everything they couldn't fit into the original due to harsh time constraints. Lol
"Warns" ROTFLMAO, they and their fanboys were the ones insisting through 2014-2015 that SQ42 is almost ready and will be out in just a few months.
How are they not overwhelmed by shame at this point defies my understanding.
This game makes Duke Nukem Forever look like it was not even trying to have a long development :LOL:
By the time this releases we'll be exploring other planets in real life.
Technically we are already doing that...James Webb will accelerate that...but we already know +4000 exo-planets now and we are observing them (exploring them) already :D
How old is the game engine at this point? 10 years? Time to start over with UE5, release date pushed back another 5 years. :ROFLMAO:
We'll get Squadron 42 right after we get affordable GPUs again...
How old is the game engine at this point? 10 years? Time to start over with UE5, release date pushed back another 5 years. :ROFLMAO:
They ditched CryEngine 3 or whatever it was originally and moved to Lumberyard. (Which itself is basically CryEngine with additional features.) This made the switch go pretty smoothly for the released alpha's of the game as I recall.
They ditched CryEngine 3 or whatever it was originally and moved to Lumberyard. (Which itself is basically CryEngine with additional features.) This made the switch go pretty smoothly for the released alpha's of the game as I recall.
Same engine New World used. The canceled title Crucible also used it. Not really much else has come forward, but Amazon did just recently announce it going Open Source, so it may gain some traction following that.

That said, Lumberyard was based on Cryengine 3 - which is circa 2009. I don't know how much updating Amazon did to it.
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Same engine New World used. The canceled title Crucible also used it. Not really much else has come forward, but Amazon did just recently announce it going Open Source, so it may gain some traction following that.

That said, Lumberyard was based on Cryengine 3 - which is circa 2009. I don't know how much updating Amazon did to it.
They mostly just added a lot of bloatware to it pertaining to online features and MMO related stuff. I doubt they did much with the graphics or physics engine itself.
They mostly just added a lot of bloatware to it pertaining to online features and MMO related stuff. I doubt they did much with the graphics or physics engine itself.
While I haven't looked into it a whole lot, most of what I found in a quick search says that Lumberyard is basically CryEngine with AWS features added to it.
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