Seth MacFarlane Roasts Fox at The Orville: New Horizons Premiere


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Seth Macfarlane roasted Fox at the Los Angeles premiere of The Orville: New Horizons, the show's third season.

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I question the wisdom in biting the hand that fed you, even if it is not currently the one bankrolling you.

IDK if Seth noticed but all networks are struggling not just fox. They'd happily accept viewing figures that were considered giant flops 10 years ago, because they don't even get that now.
I question the wisdom in biting the hand that fed you, even if it is not currently the one bankrolling you.
Too true but he and Groening have been slamming Fox pretty hard over the years. You can barely get through a single Simpsons episode without some kind of jab at them. It doesn't seem like Fox much cares about it one way or another. The other sad truth is that given Fox's cancellation track record for Sci-Fi, The Orville would've likely been doomed after the 2nd season anyway.
Well, people were always angry at FOX for cancelling the best shows all the time. What they forget is that they were the ones to greenlit them in the first place. These shows weren't on FOX by accident, they were there because they were the only one taking the risk, instead of some cushy low risk procedural.
Well, people were always angry at FOX for cancelling the best shows all the time. What they forget is that they were the ones to greenlit them in the first place. These shows weren't on FOX by accident, they were there because they were the only one taking the risk, instead of some cushy low risk procedural.
It would be different if Fox didn't lock the showrunners into super exclusive contracts thereby preventing them from being able to go to another studio/channel/service once Fox was done with them. Plenty of shows had feet after they were Fox'd but were bound to fox/mirimax so tightly as they couldn't be done anywhere else.

Firefly, Dark Angel to name a few. Though Firefly has found presence on several streaming services... I now wonder if Dark Angel has.... Nope. No streaming service has it anywhere.
Seth has never tried very hard to hide his hatred of Fox.... even though they are still keeping him rich with Family Guy and American Dad
I was randomly reading something else about another show that, like this, started on Fox: Futurama. As we know Hulu is bringing it back in 2023. That article connected the dots in an ironic way considering his attitude. Fox had a 30% stake in Hulu and when Disney bought most of 21st Century Fox it, in turn, gained that stake plus the rest through a deal with Comcast.

"In that milestone transaction, Disney bought most of 21st Century Fox, leaving behind a more streamlined, TV-focused entity in Fox Corp. Fox’s previous 30% stake in Hulu was taken over by Disney, which also then gained full operational control of the 15-year-old streaming outlet in a separate arrangement with Comcast."

So, in a matter of speaking, both shows started on Fox and ended up back at a different version/piece of Fox.

BTW. Just finished watching the 1st ep. I'll give him credit for trying to make a statement and I've got a feeling he, or someone close, went through a horrible loss but the episode overall felt strange. The many, many, scenes of the Orville and other ships around the spaceport felt very Robert Wise inspired but after a while they were even more numbing. It was nice but seemed a bit too much. I still like the show but it felt off.
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