Netflix’s Resident Evil Series Is Getting Horrific Audience Scores


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Netflix launched its new Resident Evil series last week, but nobody seems to like it very much.

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I haven't even tried watching it. Sadly... I guess?
I'm watching it, I like it well enough, but I'm not that picky when it comes to zombie stuff, lot's of time jumps make it a bit all over the place at times, but if you wanted something faithfull to the games this might not be for you.
...if you wanted something faithfull to the games this might not be for you.
If you want something faithful to a video game, NO TV show or movie based on that game is gonna be right for you. Honestly they should just plain not exist, but stupid-@ss dumbf*cks always gotta try to make a movie or show based off of a video game, despite the fact that 100% of these are trash, and no one has ever been successful attempting such.
I don't care if a show or movie based on a game is faithful as long as it is good. This clearly isn't good even just as a show. Makes the previous adaptations look like masterpieces.
I think everyone knows I try to keep the bar low with my expectations with a lot of things these days. That being said and yeah, the show is kind of all over the place. I both agree and disagree with claims about the stereotypes. With this kind of material, those are going to be difficult to avoid and if too much effort is put into it then that could transform it into something totally unrelatable to the source material. Let's face it, none of the RE stuff was ever made to be genre-breaking with standout characters.

Things I like:
  • Future setting that's building on previous lore of the franchise
  • Casting isn't horrible, Lance is amazing as Wesker.
  • Effects are decent
Things I find questionable:
  • Show doesn't seem to have a consistent identity. Mad Max>80920>TWD are just a few of the things that seem blended in.
  • Time jumps/flashbacks are a bit overused or off-balance. On one hand, they help flesh out the story and introduce those not familiar with the franchise to some key past info. On the other hand, it gets difficult to become invested in it.

We're only up to Ep5 so we'll see how it goes. I've seen worse but yes it could be better. Some of the animated movies are even harder to watch so by comparison I think some people are overreacting about this project. HBO Max has a bunch of them and I tried watching them last month and I think I only finished one of them. I also never made it beyond the 1st and last of Wes Anderson stuff.
Not every Netflix show can be an instant hit.

They've had pretty good success with their original content over the last few years. I guess they are overdue for a flop.

It wouldn't be the first video game adaptation that hasn't worked out.

Video game adaptations are challenging. They often have a rabid fan base that will criticize anything you change, yet if you make it identical to the game, then it becomes boring and uninteresting.

I'm still kind of disappointed that Deus Ex film never got made though. I think that one could have translated to film pretty well, if done by a competent director.
Not every Netflix show can be an instant hit.

They've had pretty good success with their original content over the last few years. I guess they are overdue for a flop.
Huh? their strategy is throwing everything at the wall, and some of it sticks. But they are perfectly capable of tanking shows with a great and successful first season.
It wouldn't be the first video game adaptation that hasn't worked out.
There were ones that came out well? I certainly can't think of one.
TBF Lance Reddick is awesome period, it's not the show's merit that he is a great actor.

Well, I mean, there is something to be said for a show to manage casting, and sell a role such that a well suited good actor decides to come on board. That is not trivial.
Huh? their strategy is throwing everything at the wall, and some of it sticks. But they are perfectly capable of tanking shows with a great and successful first season.

Maybe I just havent heard of the ones that havent worked out, but I have enjoyed absolutely every Netflix original show I have seen thus far.

There were ones that came out well? I certainly can't think of one.

That was kind of my point.

That said, people have been saying decent things about the Witcher TV series. I haven't watched it myself though. I was never a fan of the original game series (I know, heresy), so I figured I wouldn't care for the TV show either.
Well, I mean, there is something to be said for a show to manage casting, and sell a role such that a well suited good actor decides to come on board. That is not trivial.
It's usually the producers influence and monies. It has nothing to do with the quality of the show.
That said, people have been saying decent things about the Witcher TV series.
I couldn't remember it when I was typing that earlier response but this show seems to have blended some of the techniques used for The Witcher series into it. I was thinking that last night after the umpteenth flashback.
It's usually the producers influence and monies
I have to somewhat disagree with that. Casting often has a lot to do with the stable of actors/actresses a casting agent has access to. That's why we often will see a number of the same faces in different, unrelated projects. When I was younger I could instantly recognize who a casting agent might be for something just by the cast listing. Sure the producers, and powers-that-be, will make their requests but it's not unusual that a studio has to stick with who they have connections. I didn't find it remotely coincidental that Lance was in another show that just debuted on Netflix, Farzar(talk about a horrible show though, even with some of my extreme tastes I couldn't make it through the 1st episode).
Well, watched ep5 and liked it, then ep6 and it felt like it took a total dive into stupidity. It's always a bad sign when after an episode I skip ahead and read the descriptions for what's left to see if it gets better. Such a shame, I feel the premise for the show has a lot of potential and I still mostly like the casting, but it's becoming extremely obvious what directions they're planning to go now. The other thing that's starting to annoy me is how they've managed to sprinkle a few seconds of action in each episode to make it not seem like a slow burn but by ep6 it's barely been 4 days since the incident.

Even if the show gets bad reviews I think there's an o.k. chance that Netflix might greenlight a 2nd season because you can tell they've managed to do a lot of right tricks for reusing sets from different angles, and minimal CGI, to keep costs down and cost/profit tends to drive the Netflix's decisions with shows regardless of what fans may think. On that(CGI) note, that's another similarity to The Witcher. There are just enough monsters to remind you they are there but it is somewhat kept to a minimum. Again, the show has potential but it is waffling.
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