Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered Features Excellent Ultra-Wide Support, including 48:9 for Triple-Monitor Setups


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered launched for the PC yesterday, and it's a particularly exciting release for gamers with an extended setup.

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I have a feeling that DF may have had an earlier build of the game, or maybe it updated between Fri-Sat because I spent most of yesterday playing it and noticed VRAM stayed ~11GB at 4K/120 Hz. I also noticed that either X or △ (I was pressing both-mashing so I don't know which in particular) allowed me to skip the intro screens. I'm glad they explained what's going on with CPU usage. I was really wondering because it's the first time, since Horizon Zero Dawn, that I've seen it hammered that much in a game. My 5800X3D was averaging 30-89% @4450 GHz usage with a frame limiter of 117 FPS for G-Sync. Thankfully that 360 AIO kept it cool, at max fan/pump settings never went above 63c, and when I switched to smart/stock-68c. I pretty much have all in-game settings at max except things like DOF or motion blur are off. I didn't clock the load times but they are quick on a PCIe 4.0 drive, 2-3 seconds maybe. Blink once or twice and it's done. The 3090 Ti Hybrid has no problem with this game at stock. It averages 70-98 usage with temps ~60-62c @ 2040 MHz, and I even had to use a frame limiter to keep it under 120 FPS at 4K. The DLSS setting locks in a number of things but it looks great and RT is maxed.

Loving it so far. About 21% in. This is the Spider-Man game PC users have been waiting for. I've had many SM games on PC, PS1, and PS2 and this is by far the best. Textures range from meh to wow. I love how they've combined elements from the first PS/PC game (the first mission includes elements from the bank heist back then)+SM2 PS2 (we finally can swing through the city at day/night w/ more side missions than ever before), SM3 PC (this wasn't a bad game but way too many QT events), and SM WOS (one of my favorites on PC-great story and voice cast).

I'll probably end up hooking up the CRG9 to the other rig just to see UW in action but a little worried about how that CPU (4930K OC'd to 4.3 GHz/32 GB 2133 MHz mem) will fare but it at least has a 3090 Ti FTW3 as well, I guess that'll be the ultimate gaming test for the old antique, also a bit worried how the game will cope with a SATA III SSD. This rig only has a year or two left until I build one to upgrade the 5800X3D from.

Way to go NIXXES!
Just finished doing some testing on the old rig with the CRG9 hooked up. Boy that old tech is barely holding up with this game and that rig was pretty fast for its time. The GPU is fine (EVGA 3090 Ti FTW3) but there seem to be bottlenecks just about everywhere else. Oh well, it is around 10 years old ;) It was struggling to hold over 60 fps (some spots were around 90) but I saw regular dips into the high 30s and mid-50s. I'm so spoiled with the new rig that I eventually turned it off and went back to it. Also, probably again relating to the age of the tech, RT on any setting was crashing it, and yes I've got the latest drivers and updates. Tried tweaking the CPU and other things to no avail. Not worried about it since it is working flawlessly on the other rig.

On the flip side, it does look good in 32:9 and the settings even helped me identify an unusual thing with the HDR on that display. From the in-game settings menu, I found that if I set the luminance to 1003 HDR engaged as it should but anything over/under turned it off. Maybe at some point, I'll go back and do some more testing with other games to see if it solves some of the weird HDR issues I always saw with that monitor. I always thought it seemed like games were not all engaging HDR the same way and this could be the clue I was looking for.

Oh, and pressing B on the controller is what skips the intros.
I've had many SM games on PC, PS1, and PS2 and this is by far the best. Textures range from meh to wow. I love how they've combined elements from the first PS/PC game (the first mission includes elements from the bank heist back then)+SM2 PS2 (we finally can swing through the city at day/night w/ more side missions than ever before), SM3 PC (this wasn't a bad game but way too many QT events), and SM WOS (one of my favorites on PC-great story and voice cast).
I did not know there were that many Spiderman games, the only other one I ever played was on the Megadrive (Genesis for you guys on the other side of the pond)
I did not know there were that many Spiderman games, the only other one I ever played was on the Megadrive (Genesis for you guys on the other side of the pond)
There are a bunch more. I just listed the ones I thought were the best but Shattered Dimensions gets an honorable mention just for the parts with Spider-Man 2099 and Spider-Man Noir. Ultimate wasn't too bad but it was kind of weird. Friend or Foe was horrid as was SM2(nothing like the console version and made by a different company). The game for the first movie wasn't too bad but didn't really compare to the first game that came out on PS1/PC. I'm sure there are others but those are the ones I played. As far as consoles go there are tons more but I stopped after Rise of the Imperfects on the PS2.

I just got to say it again that this is perhaps the best SM game to ever hit PC. I spent another few hours, close to 10 for the weekend, today and really loved being able to be immersed in that universe again. Older CPU+motherboard platforms will limit the game but otherwise, it's pretty awesome.

Downloading it on the GP66 Leopard laptop right now to see how it does (11800H CPU that regularly boosts to ~4.18 GHz with a 130W RTX 3070) at 2560x1080.
Downloading it on the GP66 Leopard laptop right now to see how it does (11800H CPU that regularly boosts to ~4.18 GHz with a 130W RTX 3070) at 2560x1080.

Not going to try on my laptop, not sure about the CPU but it's still rocking at GTX880M which is antique by now. That and I don't have the PC version, bought the PS4 version back in the day and got the PS5 Miles Morales with the updated old one for x-mas don't think I need a third copy.
Not going to try on my laptop, not sure about the CPU but it's still rocking at GTX880M which is antique by now.
It was interesting. The CPU basically went nuclear. With fans at full, including the laptop cooler, the CPU was holding ~80-92c. On the plus side, it was performing admirably in holding 58-80 FPS with speeds ranging from 3.8-4.2 GHz and the GPU was around 1850-2010 MHz w/ VRAM hanging ~6GB. I can't say that I noticed it dip below 58 FPS and sometimes saw some moments upwards of 90-100 FPS and that was using nearly all max settings at 2560x1080. PCIe 3.0 is noticeably slower than 4.0 with this game. Load times on 4.0 were about the blink of an eye while they were ~5s or more on 3.0. Still not horrible though. I haven't been checking reviews but from what I've seen people are really going to want a newer, and fast, system for this game. An 8c/16t at/above 4.0 GHz w/ PCIe 4.0 or higher and then a 3080 or better for the best 4K experience. This is one game that will definitely show any weak points on a rig. I also think the game looks best in 21:9. At 32:9 SM just seemed too small in relation to everything else on the screen while 21:9 felt like the best of both worlds.
I'm glad for supporting less common monitor configurations, but 48:9?

Holy useless ultra-mailslot view, Batman.
Not really, it just means you can look left and right, without actually turning left and right in the game.
Huh, I was gifted the game for my berfday by a friend, that's a surprise. It's gonna be a while before I can get around to it though. Another friend just recently 100%'ed the game on PC (all the other friends who played it did so on PS4), and he absolutely f*ckin' loved the game. I barely remember it from the file I started on PS4 using my bro's copy, but I didn't get too far in that file anyways.
I'm about 75% through right now. Totally loving it. It's the first game since The Witcher 3 that I've enjoyed grinding away all the side missions/challenges for leveling up and getting the extras. I spent most of Sunday playing it on the 4930K rig but had to turn of RT because something about it causes the game to crash on that CPU but otherwise the recent patches allowed to hold a mostly 60 FPS with the 3090 Ti in 4K. Definitely, the best SM game I've ever played on PC.
Huh, I was gifted the game for my berfday by a friend, that's a surprise. It's gonna be a while before I can get around to it though. Another friend just recently 100%'ed the game on PC (all the other friends who played it did so on PS4), and he absolutely f*ckin' loved the game. I barely remember it from the file I started on PS4 using my bro's copy, but I didn't get too far in that file anyways.
Hey, I just clicked on your profile. Happy Birthday, DrezKill! 🥳 Your games receive a 100% FPS boost today! 🎁 Don't forget to make a wish when you blow out the candles. 🎂
Hey, I just clicked on your profile. Happy Birthday, DrezKill! 🥳 Your games receive a 100% FPS boost today! 🎁 Don't forget to make a wish when you blow out the candles. 🎂
Oh haha wow, thanks a ton homes! Yeah it sneaks up on me every year. I don't really pay attention to it. You know how it is, berfdays are fun when you're a kid, but when you're an adult, meh. Plus at this point in my life I been through so many berfdays it's just really hard to give a sh1t anymore. But yeah, free games/PC hardware and sometimes cake (carrot cake this year), I won't turn that down.

I got the term "berfday" from some MadTV sketch in the 90s that I don't even remember.
I'm about 75% through right now. Totally loving it. It's the first game since The Witcher 3 that I've enjoyed grinding away all the side missions/challenges for leveling up and getting the extras. I spent most of Sunday playing it on the 4930K rig but had to turn of RT because something about it causes the game to crash on that CPU but otherwise the recent patches allowed to hold a mostly 60 FPS with the 3090 Ti in 4K. Definitely, the best SM game I've ever played on PC.
I showed your post to a friend and he said "I can't remember my percentage on Spider-Man PS4, but I know I got pretty close to 100%. It really was a great game."

I saw DF posted this, but I haven't watched it yet:

Another video I haven't seen, but seems interesting:
My bro has a Steam Deck, and I got to borrow one from a friend for 11 days or so a while ago. I did a lot of testing on it. Very intriguing device, but not for me. Not yet anyways. Steam Deck 2 possibly...
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