ADHD Is to Blame for the MCU’s Current Problems, Not Superhero Fatigue, Avengers: Endgame Director Says


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Marvel's recent problems aren't due to superhero fatigue, but, instead, a "big generational divide about how you consume media," or, more specifically, ADHD, suggests Joe Russo, one of the directors behind some of Marvel's biggest box office hits, including Avengers: Endgame and Infinity War.

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"There’s a big generational divide about how you consume media. There’s a generation that’s used to appointment viewing and going to a theater on a certain date to see something, but it’s aging out"


"There’s a big generational divide about great stories centered around great, relatable, characters, in media you consume. There’s a generation that’s used to better movies and going to a theater on a certain date to see something, but it’s offended out"
I think after a while the theaters will be a thing of the past and everything will be on a streaming service.
I like what the Russos' did with the MCU stuff but no, this is totally untrue. Yes, there is fatigue but also the theater scene has been in decline for decades now and the denial from filmmakers about this just continues to baffle me.

I guess when they all get together for their awards, ceremonies, and private parties they feel the rest of the world is doing the same and have no clue how many folks started moving on so very long ago. Sure there are some occasional blockbusters but at this point, that's maybe 3-4 a year (we're talking about the ones that hit $500 million to $1+ billion globally), and the majority of the stories about any new movie in the media are hyped up when something breaks $10-$15 million as if that's enough to cover gas for the crew during production.

The other part to this is that MCU at that time was at a once-in-a-lifetime moment as well since nothing like that had really ever been pulled off before and it involved characters going back 50 years so there were multiple generations of fans wanting to see it. The scrap that's left doesn't quite have that audience to draw from. Don't get me wrong I do think there are still some Marvel movies that could be made that will at least do $100-$500 million or more but you can only sell The End of the Universe, multiverse, etc., so many times.
Haha, one of my friends who saw the posted article said "Anything to avoid taking the blame for making sh1t movies, I guess."

I think after a while the theaters will be a thing of the past and everything will be on a streaming service.
I haven't seen broadcast TV in ages. I was at my sister's house recently for a double berfday BBQ (for my bro who is visiting from across the country, and my sister's husband), and the living room TV was on, and non-streaming stuff was showing on it. Two things: First of all, commercials. Wow, I completely forgot what it was like to deal with commercials (aside from when I used free Hulu in the late 2000s), and I forgot how frequent, long, and annoying they are! That is one part of my distant past I'm glad is gone for good. What's strange is that while shows made for broadcast TV often have commercial break points built in, it seems these days the TV service providers aren't using them, and instead cut the show off in other sections, which is quite jarring. My sister said it's even more hilarious for shows that have music to lead into and out of commercials, cuz now those music tracks play back-to-back without a commercial in between.

Second, it was really weird to see commercials on broadcast TV for stuff on streaming networks. And they would say sh1t like "streaming now on Paramount+!", which is kinda hilarious. I guess they are trying to win over those last few holdouts of society that haven't ditched broadcast stuff like cable and switched to streaming yet.

I guess when they all get together for their awards, ceremonies, and private parties they feel the rest of the world is doing the same and have no clue how many folks started moving on so very long ago.

The scrap that's left doesn't quite have that audience to draw from. Don't get me wrong I do think there are still some Marvel movies that could be made that will at least do $100-$500 million or more but you can only sell The End of the Universe, multiverse, etc., so many times.

I was absolutely hooked on MCU between Iron Man 1 and Endgame. By the time Endgame rolled around, they just plain weren't making any good movies anymore. That's why I left (or am still in the process of leaving). And then yeah, I stopped liking moving theaters long before MCU came around. Other people in the audience, cell phones, staff (sometimes), terrible food prices, adhering to movie playback schedules, and not being able to control the media (pause, rewind, etc) combined with superior displays at home (and in a lot of cases comparable audio) ruined the theater-going experience for me. Oh, and the rising ticket prices too. Why should I pay their sh1t prices when I can get a better, more convenient movie-watching experience at home? Don't gotta waste gas and time traveling to the theater when I can just flip on a good high-res display inside my own home and fire up a BD disc or rip.
The absolute worst streaming app in imho. From crashing to forcing commercials even when we have premium, to their bizarre licensing issues with LG for UHD content (which has recently improved but still not like it should be), I dread using this app. It's sad though because from Trek, to a few other shows and movies there are things we like to watch but that app just plain sucks.

I was absolutely hooked on MCU between Iron Man 1 and Endgame. By the time Endgame rolled around, they just plain weren't making any good movies anymore.
Yeah, Endgame was like following up an Irish Car Bomb with a diet Coke. There were some moments I liked but I rarely rewatch it while I can't remember how many times, and ways (4K/3D/Disney Imax) I've watched Infinity War.
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