Grand Theft Auto VI Will Make Over $3 Billion In Its First Year, Analysts Say: “Biggest Entertainment Launch of 2025”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Grand Theft Auto VI, the latest mainline installment of Rockstar Games and Take-Two Interactive's best-selling action-adventure video game series, is projected to earn as much as $3.2 billion in its first year of release, according to new projections shared by analysts that include those at DFC Intelligence, a video games research group.

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Probably. Given that games now are $69 for the "basic" edition. And yeah online cha ching as well. I need to find a new hobby.
Guess I'll wait for 2030 when the PC version comes out
It'll be given away for free about half a dozen times too - anytime revenue drops, they will just hand it out and crank out some new hat or gun for people to pay for.
It'll be given away for free about half a dozen times too - anytime revenue drops, they will just hand it out and crank out some new hat or gun for people to pay for.
Highly doubt they'll give away the game for free considering they've never done so with GTAV in almost 10 years. It's still $15 on Steam, and was $60 until 2022.

Unless it's a complete turd and bombs in sales. And they somehow remove FiveM support that's been keeping GTAV alive all these years.
Highly doubt they'll give away the game for free considering they've never done so with GTAV in almost 10 years. It's still $15 on Steam, and was $60 until 2022.

Unless it's a complete turd and bombs in sales. And they somehow remove FiveM support that's been keeping GTAV alive all these years.
I got at least 3 free copies of GTA V - just can't bring myself to play it anywhere.
I got at least 3 free copies of GTA V - just can't bring myself to play it anywhere.
I tried to sometime last year and the stupid rockstar launcher boned up my account and I couldn't log in. didn't want to create a new account so I just played something else. RDR2 same story but I will probably do that one at some point.
I played GTA V first by borrowing the X360 version from a friend, then later on PC using a "community demo" (though I never did finish that run, though I got most of the way through the game). Some time after that they gave the game away for free on EGS. I grabbed it, as I do most of the free EGS stuff, but I also never actually use stuff I've gotten on EGS. There are games I have on EGS where I just used a friend's Steam copy instead, or I bought a game on Steam or GOG that I already had on EGS (which has happened cuz I forget what games I even have on EGS). There was a time I was willing to pay for GTA V. But their usual disdain towards PC, the late PC version, and the too-high price when it finally did come to PC drove me to instead check the game out from the "community library".

stupid rockstar launcher
Things used to be worse. Before the Rockstar launcher there was the Rockstar Social Club software. The launcher was an improvement from that PoS, which is sad to say.

RDR2 same story but I will probably do that one at some point.
A friend of mine used a community demo to play through that game, but for some reason I gave Rockstar money for it, though it was at a good sale price. Pretty good game I guess, but I recall the first game being better.

tried to sometime last year and the stupid rockstar launcher boned up my account and I couldn't log in.
I lost my Blizzard Battle.Net account many years ago when trying to set up an authenticator and things somehow went awry. Their customer service was no f*cking help at all in trying to get my account back. I didn't have any paid games tied to the account, so I just abandoned it. Any Blizzard game I wanted to play I either played on console (Diablo 3, which was a mistake to play on console), or I grabbed a community demo, or I waited for the game to show up on other platform like Steam. And well with the way Blizzard is now, I don't really want to play anything they make, so no real loss in the end.
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I'm pressing X to doubt.

I think most "analysts" are paid to give overly positive projections as part of the marketing.

Why I think it won't be a blowout success:
  1. More gamers are adopting the "never pre-order" and "wait and see" mindset
  2. Most original creators who made GTA great have left Rockstar
  3. Shift to politically correct humor
  4. The game needs to prove itself on its own merits to be huge. Name recognition is no longer a ticket to success.
I can say I have never played a GTA game and have no itch to do so any time soon.
It's a very hit-or-miss franchise for me. I like 3 of them and dislike all the rest.
I disliked 1 & 2, liked 3, Vicy City, San Andreas & IV, then back to disliking V.

3 and VC are very much products of their time. I don't think they hold up to today's standards. Remaster or not if someone never played them before I think it is unlikely they'd like them now. San Andreas might be borderline, but IV is a modern game, so it should be no issue to get into.

On a side note, I just heard that some madmen actually went ahead and ported GTAIV's map into GTAV.
As a alternate city to do stuff in for the online game that would be cool. Same with vice city. And really sanandteas.
I spent a lot of time playing Vice City. Game felt ahead of it's time when it came out, but San Andreas just felt like a slightly updated Vice City to me. So I didn't spend as much time playing it.
I spent a lot of time playing Vice City. Game felt ahead of it's time when it came out, but San Andreas just felt like a slightly updated Vice City to me. So I didn't spend as much time playing it.
Weird that you remember it that way. If anything Vice City was an updated GTA3, with not much in new features just a different map and slightly updated graphics. San Andreas added a ton, like the turf wars, modding cars, among many others.
Probably because I played 1, 2 then VC. I never played 3. I only played San Andreas a little. Like, tiny little. I never completed it as I played maybe 2 hours on it total.

San Andreas reminded me of the Gran Turismo 3 to Gran Turismo 4 update. Sure, GT4 was way more "game" but it just felt like GT3. Same with VC and SA.
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