Don't look at the new test drive unlimited... dumpster fire.
Yeah, I tried the beta, and somehow they managed to completely miss the mark with that one.
- I was already skeptical when they announced the map, a cramped city just doesn't lend itself for racing. The original TDU had lots of back roads and highways, you only occasionally ventured into built up areas. But this is the least of solar crown's problem.
- They tried to copy Forza Horizon, instead to sticking to what made TDU great.
- They kept some of the TDU stuff but it just made the game a disjointed mess.
- The physics while not the worst is nothing to write home about.
- And then there is the PS3 level graphics.
What I mean is the Level Of Detail. I don't spend thousands of dollars... like inexpensive used car money on my computer to play games that look like they belong on a NES.
I know what LOD stands for

And that's at the bottom of my priority list. If I can enjoy the original Gran Turismo still, then nothing they make today will be an issue graphics wise.
But I agree you need good physics and progression. But level of detail matters as well. Give me an accurate cross country driving game... some silly options to ramp over some rivers and do some fun dukes of hazard moments... I'll be a happy camper. But it can't look like garbage either.
What I'd want is either the Test Drive 1-2-3 formula, a cross country race divided into 10-50km long sections like rally stages, but on open roads with regular traffic. But I really don't want any silly stuff.
Or option B a Street Rod like game set in the 60-70s street racing, buying used cars and upgrades. I don't even know who has the rights to the name. But of course someone can make it without the name as well.
and I'll be honest... I don't care if it needs 500 gig of hard drive space and a high speed always on connection to stream content.
I don't care about the former, I have 10TB of SSDs, but with the quality of internet connection I have any always online game is no bueno.
My internet randomly cuts out sometimes 3-4 times a day, or slows down to a crawl. Rebooting the modem puts it back to normal, sometimes it even reboots on its own before I touch it. But it takes at least 5 minutes, no online game can survive that gap in connectivity. And reporting the issue is useless, all they do that the operator logs in remotely to my modem and says everything looks fine to me. OFC it is fine now. And if I cry enough they might send out a technician who replaces the modem, which they done already and it didn't do squat.