I've pretty much been doing re-testing on this, CP 2077, and Hogwarts, due to all the updates with DLSS/transformer, etc. over the last month. It's been a blast and just so that I can enjoy as much IQ as possible I've even taken to lowering resolutions to 1440p for most and use DLAA with all RT stuff maxed. This game is going to be one I know I'll be replaying many more times down the road and something else I like about story vs grind it all away is being able to enjoy dedicating less time to finish a playthrough and then relaxing to come back later for much more (mostly fetch stuff but can be fun when not pressured to).
Did some brief testing with this update last night and really happy to report that one of my major complaints seems resolved. Before if making various changes to graphics settings either resulted in major FPS drops/jitters or crashing and this seems to have been resolved. Work around before was either alt-enter that only partially worked or restarting the game. FPS seem much smoother. Looking forward to more time testing and doing side missions this weekend.