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  1. 3DMark Scores Suggest PS5 Is Four Times More Powerful than PS4

    How big a leap is this relative to previous generational leaps?
  2. A somewhat awkward question . . .

    I'm glad to hear it guys! When asked if he was going to restart [H] in the left-Intel thread over there, Kyle said he didn't know, which is why I asked here what would happen if he did. I look forward to seeing how this new venture grows and evolves. Y'all are definitely launching with a solid...
  3. A somewhat awkward question . . .

    Will the future of [H] being in question with Kyle leaving Intel affect this site? I know most (all?) of you are former [H] staffers. If [H] is spun up again, will you return there and abandon this nascent project? I hope not. I like how things are shaping up here, and I worry [H] will be on...
  4. China Prepares Its Own Blacklist of Foreign Companies to Counter Huawei Ban

    I can't pretend to know how all this will ultimately shake out; I just know it was a huge mistake normalizing relations with China before they proved they could be trustworthy world citizens. Nixon should have never set foot in China.
  5. FPS Review needs a favicon

    Great, thanks! I know it's a small thing, but it's always been something I've noticed right off when a site doesn't have one.
  6. FPS Review needs a favicon

    It irritates me when a site doesn't have a custom favicon and I have to see the default globe icon in my bookmarks. A simple blue "F" would suffice.
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