“Another Year, Another Layoff”: Humble Games Gets Rid of Its Entire Staff


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Humble Games, a publishing arm of Humble Bundle that was created to support indie developers and continue the company's mission to be a force for good in the industry and across the globe, is in major trouble, according to a post from an ex-employee that explains how the entirety of Humble Games was laid off this morning.

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I'm sad for them as well. I don't remember ever buying anything from them but wanted the best for them. They just never really had anything on sale that I didn't already have.
I was a Bundle subscriber for a long time, and I've purchased quite a bit from them. But yeah, their games studio was always kind of ... felt more like charity than anything. I hope the best for those developers and I also hope the rest of Humble continues on.
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