“Majority” of Xbox Games Expected to Come to PS5 as Companies Complain of “Flatlining” Sales in Europe: “I Don’t Know Why We Bothered S...


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Microsoft has already brought Pentiment and Hi-Fi RUSH to the PS4 and/or PS5, but many more Xbox games will be coming to Sony's PlayStation platforms, according to Chris Dring, head of GamesIndustry.biz, who claims to have received a lot of negative news regarding the Xbox brand during last week's GDC event, including what some companies have described as "flatlining" sales performance.

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This is what happens when you 'give away' or 'rent' access to games. Parents and gamers are less willing to put money down on more games when you can sub and eventually get to play them for no additional fee.

Heck look at movie theaters and streaming. Now that movies hit streaming in 45 days if not less, it means they have to make GOOD movies to draw in viewers willing to pay. Other than the desperate GET OUT OF THE HOUSE TO DO SOMETHING times those of us that work from home feel. :)
As I said b4 the series S was a huge misstake, then to dig their grave even further they want you to play the games no matter the hardware as long as it has a screen attached to it, that's gonna help move hardware.

Now rumours are going that the next Xbox is going to be digital only, that's not gonna help them get inventory on store shelves.

One of the major supermarkets over here that also sells games has 10x the amount of PD games and 5-6x the amount of switch games compared to Xbox.

I would use my series X so play DVD/blu ray if they don't release a new console I care about, but ow yeah, I can't do that as it does not support that on my TV.
Sounds like Philco has some work to do if they want this thing to survive. I know that if I was in the market to get a console it wouldn't be the Xbox. What few exclusives it has are not even close enough to matter to draw me in and even though I've heard its more powerful than the PS5 in some ways it sure seems like Sony does a better job with its ongoing game catalog. Now granted if MS for some reason decided to make more game exclusive on Xbox, including withholding them from PC that might improve sales slightly but I doubt that would even put a dent in their losses. There's a reason there's so many PC owners clamoring on about which PS games they want brought over.
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