PS5 Scalping Seemingly Comes to an End with Sellers Offering Consoles Well Below MSRP


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The PlayStation 5 is no longer a prime target for scalpers, according to listings shared on r/PlayStation that suggest sellers are going to extreme lengths to get rid of the consoles that they've hoarded over the past few years. In one highly upvoted post, one seller is offering PS5 consoles, including what appears to be the pricier, $499.99 version with disc drive, for $400 each, explaining that they needed money to pay for tuition and residency. Sony suggested that the PS5 shortage, which has been described by the company as being "unprecedented," officially ended at the beginning of this year, having shared an article in January 2023 about the increased supply of PS5 consoles, now readily available at the usual retailers.

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Wow now you can easily get a PS5 just a couple years before the next gen comes out! WOW! /s
Wow now you can easily get a PS5 just a couple years before the next gen comes out! WOW! /s
Well this gen is not even 3 years old yet, there's still some good time left in it, but I think we're coming up on the time when we should soon see a "PS5 Pro" and an upgraded version of the XBSX.
Maybe they'll learn their lesson when switch 2 comes out?
Also, hopefully people ain't buying from scalpers anymore, more so than just supply increases. I do hope public in general just doesn't cave anymore.
Also, hopefully people ain't buying from scalpers anymore, more so than just supply increases. I do hope public in general just doesn't cave anymore.
The public in general just doesn't care anymore. I no longer want a PS5 even if it is bellow MSRP.
The public in general just doesn't care anymore. I no longer want a PS5 even if it is bellow MSRP.
This pretty much sums up my thinking as well. I was somewhat invested in the PS4 generation, and I really wanted a PS5.

Now... meh. I'm over it. Horizon Zero Dawn was the only game I was even looking at, and all this time later, still is. Maybe FFXVI, but... I'm not pre-ordering that nor am I going to go out and buy a PS5 before that game comes out hoping it's good - FFXV was ... not worth the purchase of a console solely for it, and I don't have faith, with S/E's management being what it is, that FFXVI will be better.

I did manage to snag an XBX, but even that just collects dust - the only reason I haven't sold it off is because my son and his friends will use it on rare occasion when they come over.
This pretty much sums up my thinking as well. I was somewhat invested in the PS4 generation, and I really wanted a PS5.

Now... meh. I'm over it. Horizon Zero Dawn was the only game I was even looking at, and all this time later, still is.
I really wanted a PS5 for GT7, but that turned out to be a total hogwash, so the only game of interest left is Horizon Forbidden West, but now I'd rather wait for the PC version of that. The next game that might be of interest to me is the next Last of Us if it is PVE and not PVP, and if it can be played solo.
My PS5 is the best PS4 ever. 95% of the stuff I play are PS4 games....
I'm laughing because remember feeling the same when I got my first PS2 and was enjoying how it upgraded PS1 games.
I have a friend who has a PS5, it's his 3rd console ever cuz he mostly stuck to PC. He did NES, N64, and now a PS5. He's able to enjoy a wealth of PS4 games he missed as well as some PS5 games, though he does note the irony of how Sony exclusives are making it to PC now. And some of those he still plays on PC. But yeah his main goal for getting a PS5 was to have access to PS4 games. He actually hadn't really intended on getting a PS5, especially not during the scarcity period, but his wife managed to snag one cuz she knew he had been looking at them for some time, and surprised him widdit. And he's made decent use outta it so far. I'm glad Sony did the sensible thing with both PS5 and PS4 having AMD64/x86-64 architecture, and made the PS5 able to run PS4 games, as it should. And it runs PS4 games way better than the PS4 Pro does. I had to play Ghost of Tsushima at 30fps while PS5 players get to enjoy 60fps. Still waiting on the PC version of that game...

My base model XB1 is mostly used for original Xbox and X360 games. I too used my PS2 to play PS1 games a lot (loved those faster load times), and I also played my PS1 discs on PS3 a good amount (Sony's PS1 emulator on PS3 is very good, though of course you'll find better on PC, such as DuckStation). My PS3 doesn't have PS2 back-compat so I've never tried it (that would be handy these days since my PS2 Slim no longer reads discs, and PS2 emulation on PC still has some ways to go for some games). Since Gamecube Component Cables (which come only from Nintendo) were overpriced when new, and massively overpriced since discontinuation ages ago, Wii was the best way to play Gamecube games with Component output. I have a soft-modded Wii, but I am thinking about soft-modding my Wii U and also soft-modding the Wii side of the Wii U. It would be more convenient. That too is great for Gamecube games. Wii U won't play Gamecube discs, but you can load ISOs on them just fine (or so I've heard). It was very convenient that GBA could play GB/GBC games, Nintendo DS could play GBA games (but not the refreshed model the DSi, which ditched SLOT-2 which was the GBA cartridge slot, which was also used for other peripherals like rumble carts), and 3DS can play DS games. Back-compat can be extremely handy, and it's always appreciated when consoles support games from older gens without you having to purchase those games again.
It's kind of funny how consoles mirror PCs in the sense that both often have to wait until a new gen of hardware comes out, sometimes more, until you can really enjoy a game at its best.
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