EU Approves Microsoft’s $68.7 Billion Bid for Activision Blizzard: “Withdrawing Activision Games from PlayStation Would Not Significantly Harm ...


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The European Commission has announced that it has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft in a deal worth $68.7 billion. During its in-depth investigation, the EU determined that the deal wouldn't harm the console market, and while it did find that cloud gaming could be negatively affected—something that led the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to block the deal entirely back in April—the EU is apparently satisfied with the remedies that Microsoft had presented to address those concerns. "Microsoft’s proposals, accepted by the European Commission today, would allow Microsoft to set the terms and conditions for [the cloud] market for the next 10 years," the CMA warned in a series of tweets that it sent out today to confirm that it "stands by its decision."

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So does the Eurpoean Commission overrule the CMA objection or is it a case that the CMA objection was simply to help inform the broader EUC ruling and now that it's done it's done? I'm unclear on if MS is set to buy actiblizz or not.
IDK on that either and was wondering the same. Either way and it seems pretty inevitable at this point that it will eventually happen. Unlike the NV/ARM merger there's just not enough solid evidence to back up a decision to block it anywhere and Sony isn't helping themselves in crying wolf over exclusivity when they do the same.
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