Starfield Gets DLSS 2, XeSS, and FOV Mods on Its First Day of PC Access Ahead of Next Week’s Official Launch


Staff member
May 28, 2019
The wait is more or less over for many who've pre-ordered Bethesda's latest game as it began unlocking for PC owners around the world yesterday. PC owners wanting more features have some options already as Starfield gets DLSS 2, XeSS, and FOV mods ahead of its official release date next week. There has been some controversy with Starfield's AMD-specific features but the modding community has been quick in getting to work on adding features that are already known to not be included at launch, but the developers could choose to do later on down the road. Among these are other types of super-sampling options, but oddly enough an FOV option as well.

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DLSS2... Yea I don't know if I'd want that one. :)
DLSS2... Yea I don't know if I'd want that one. :)
It's a start. I'd almost put money that we'll see DLSS 3 in 10-14 days, for free. I know there's one behind a paywall but sooner or later a free one should pop up.
I plan to hit it with my 4090 rig tonight and I'll let everyone know how it goes in the morning. It'll be interesting to see if/how many hotfixes come out this weekend.
Yea, as it's not a MMO style game I don't feel a need to grab it NOW to race to the end.
I'll probably sub a month to XBGP and try it out, but Bethesda games rarely hook me for too long for some reason.
I'll probably sub a month to XBGP and try it out, but Bethesda games rarely hook me for too long for some reason.
I was like that with Fallout 4. Tried multiple times to get into it and just never went far but it did have some appeal for a time (maybe 20-30 hours). Enjoyed Skyrim for a decent bit (100-200 hours-ish)which is mostly what I'm thinking this will be but hoping for more. Mostly, I just want a fun space game.

I enjoyed ME Andromeda for what it was, grinded away most missions/goals (60+ hours), and although I've craved going back to it I'm hoping this will have elements of that, Fallout, and a bit more. I sort of liked No Mans Sky but got bored quickly but I was also a part those that got it at launch, or right after. I know there's been a bunch of things added to it but I still doubt it could draw me in. I got Outer Worlds with some hardware purchase and I never put more than 10 hours into that one.
I enjoyed ME Andromeda for what it was, grinded away most missions/goals (60+ hours), and although I've craved going back to it I'm hoping this will have elements of that, Fallout, and a bit more. I sort of liked No Mans Sky but got bored quickly but I was also a part those that got it at launch, or right after. I know there's been a bunch of things added to it but I still doubt it could draw me in. I got Outer Worlds with some hardware purchase and I never put more than 10 hours into that one.I

I also barely put any time into outer worlds. For whatever reason it never did hook me.
So first impressions after just starting the game. Needs work for PC optimization. Image controls (brightness/color/etc.) are none nonexistent and the game does not support HDR or Fullscreen (just windowed or borderless). I really feel like someone included the wrong GUI for this because it's hard to believe that even Bethesda would launch a modern game lacking so many display customization options that have been common for much of the last decade. Meanwhile though, and totally ironic, NVIDIA GeForce Experience can do just about everything you may need to fix a lot of this. I never used it until today but I am surprised at how effective it can be.

If you want to adjust the image settings you have to use GeForce Freestyle to add the filters to a style and then you can tweak the following settings. I found a post on Reddit where someone suggested these settings, and I have to admit that they make the game look great on an OLED.

sf nv filter settings.JPG

Playing this on the 4090 rig and already seeing some wild GPU FPS fluctuations. Things can go from 80-110 down to 55 just by going from walking around to engaging a character in a conversation. On the plus side, the mouse control is nice and balanced. I like the overall visuals as well. The 5800X3D doesn't seem to be working very hard either. I'm using my OC settings on the GPU and it's holding 2895 MHz but pulling ~415W to do it and occasionally drops to around 350W.

Gonna switch over to the rig in the cave and install that DLSS2 mod on it and try these image settings in there with the Z9D. Out to look pretty good and hopefully, that mod will let that rig with its air-cooled 3090 Ti stretch its legs nicely.
The brightness / constrast issues seem to be only plaguing the intro level, it looks fine after that for me. But yeah my first reaction was also to look for the option to adjust brightness in game, only to not find it.

Otherwise I'm enjoying it. I already put 6.5 hours in it on launch day. It undeniably mimics Mass Effect, but that's OK, I don't want originality for the sake of it. The on ground part has a ting of Cyberpunk feel to it, but the missions and level design seems to be entirely inspired by OG Mass Effect.

The space combat follows the X-Wing / Tie Fighter recipe, adjust power distribution between weapons engines and other systems. But there is also a stealth aspect to it. If you power down everything except for engines you become harder to detect and can sneak around enemies to reach objectives without alerting them.

The first person shooter part is very similar to Fallout 4, but slightly worse. I found it almost impossible to properly hit enemies from a distance. When shooting from the hip the spread is too much to do anything but waste ammo. But if you aim down the sights, then the weapon occupies 3/4 of the screen and you can't even see where you are shooting at. It's really difficult to hit enemies when you can't see them from your own gun.

If you can land headshots enemies seem to die from 3-4 hits, which is already a bit bullet spongy to me, one headshot should be an instakill. But if you don't hit them in the head, then they truly become bullet sponges, especially the ones with regenerative shields. If you can't finish them off instantly before they regen it almost feels like you have to start from zero again. And this is exacerbated by the fact that reloading is painfully slow in the game. It takes like 10 seconds with most weapons.

Another thing I'm not a fan of is if you put a skill point into a certain ability you have to complete a challenge before you get the benefits of it. For example if you put a point into guns you have to kill 20 enemies with guns to actually gain that skill, or even allow you to put more points into guns. This is really bad design, because it forces you to kill all enemies with guns even ones that are much easier defeated with different weapons. Not to mention that if you have a companion then their kills don't count, so it almost becomes a fight against them, to not allow them to snatch kills from you.

The inventory and menu system seemed very weird at first, but it actually works well. After I got used to it I started liking the simplicity of it.

However the single biggest negative of the game is the useless map, it doesn't show anything just vague icons for generic areas not even specific locations. It is total garbage and can't be used for anything. You have to find your own way, which helps immersion as instead of just running past scenery, you actually need to learn the layout of the settlements and where is what in relation to each other, because the map won't help at all. It actually does more to confuse you than to offer anything of value. IDK how did they think this was OK? We might as well not have a local map.
I did some tinkering in the cave last night before going to bed and used a different DLSS 2 mod that seems to be working well. I found it mentioned at the top of the DSOG forum posts. Nothing really wrong with the previous one but this one is a bit easier to drop in and use. The trick with it is to remember the correct render scales (percentages) that DLSS uses for it quality levels. I used 66%, at 4K, and that 3090 Ti was holding mostly 50-60 FPS at mostly Ultra settings (turned off the usual crap- film grain, depth of field, motion blurr). I was pretty worn out and only just got past the first flight combat training.

This basically just allows a simple bridge/swap out from FSR to DLSS (there's an XeSS version also). FSR will still show in the menu but it'll be whatever you've chosen to drop in its directory. There's some confusion on which DLSS dll to use. At first I tried ver 2.5 and it was working well but I was curious and tried ver 3.5 (won't give frame gen but at least you've potentially got the latest library) and it seemed to do well with my 3090 Ti. I'm going to do more testing today with it and the 4090 and I'll let you all know how it goes.

the brightness / constrast issues seem to be only plaguing the intro level, it looks fine after that for me.
Good to know. It was pretty bad on my first try with both the C2 and Z9D. Those custom NV GFE settings work but are still not perfect but I do feel they make the game look a lot better. However, at times some details are still lost. I really hope Bethesda adds some gamma/brightness/hdr controls because the game has a lot to offer visually and it seems like they're shooting themselves in the foot by not doing so. It's truly baffling to me because it's obvious that they've put some work into the game but then to just leave out such basic modern features is weird, to say the least.
Good to know. It was pretty bad on my first try with both the C2 and Z9D. Those custom NV GFE settings work but are still not perfect but I do feel they make the game look a lot better. However, at times some details are still lost. I really hope Bethesda adds some gamma/brightness/hdr controls because the game has a lot to offer visually and it seems like they're shooting themselves in the foot by not doing so. It's truly baffling to me because it's obvious that they've put some work into the game but then to just leave out such basic modern features is weird, to say the least.
I think it is more likely an intended look of the game to make it more atmospheric. I think I'm going to leave it as is, I don't want to alter the game by making every area look crisp and vivid.
It seems so odd that DLSS/XeSS arent included along with AMD's - or for that matter the games that just have DLSS - it's my understanding that implementing these are 'low hanging fruit' with kits/software provided by Intel, AMD, and NVidia - though I could see NV charging a lot more and trying to force developers to go with just NV tech.

I am not saying I think the other two corporations are innocent and free of sin by any means, all the companies have been caught red handed, more than once, team green just seems to get caught more - I dont know if they do bad things more, or just arnt good at coving it up.

I know resources are limited... I guess I just dont know enough about the tech, implementing it and for that matter creating and publishing a game in the modern market.

It's not like back in the day I could hit control-break on my apple and look at the Basic or boot into the Pascal operating system to dig into files/code.
It's purely politics. Since this is an AMD sponsored game it would be "bad sport" to include the competitor's up-scaling tech, even if AMD does not openly prevent it.

I mean if a modder was able to add it for day one, it surely wasn't a resource issue at Bethesda.
I didn't play as much as hoped, too tired and worked on some other projects but did manage to put some time with it on all 3 rigs. Something I did on all three was to add the FSR bridge / DLSS swap out. I ended up using the DLSS 3.5 dll (no framegen) for all three. and configuring the render scale to 66% as the DLSS Quality setting. On all three I played up to exploring New Atlantis (restarted on each for comparisons). All three rigs have the same type of CPU (5800X3d) and perform similarly but the H7 case, being the smallest I have, showed a bit more thermal limitations with its CPU running a little hotter (~5c warmer at 62-66c), and thus its, and the GPUs, AIO working a bit harder. On the other two rigs, it hung ~55-60c. On all the 5800XD seemed to average around 20-40% usage most of the time (but I wasn't always looking at it).

4090 hybrid rig. A couple of other changes here. I used GeForce Freestyle on this one because the game simply looks horrible on the C2 OLED HDR display (I've heard the same of other OLED HDR panels as well) if you don't. Flat and washed out doesn't describe it. Additionally, I saw a mention online that Rebar could be beneficial. I used NV Profile Inspector to turn it on and max out the cache sizes. (I plan to do this on the other rigs today). After all of these, the game runs buttery smooth at ~80-116 FPS. Outside of Bethesda doing this on its own I'd say the game is almost perfect on this kind of setup now for those wanting 4K/HDR/over 60 FPS. I actually saw it go much higher but capped at 116 for G-Sync and more optimal power usage on the overclocked 4090 which now uses ~330-350 vs. peaking at over 415W before. Doing this allowed it to hang between 2895-2910 MHz which has become its norm for multiple games now.

3090 Ti Hybrid rig w/ CRG9 display. Here's where things get a little more bizarre. Bethesda did not include any 32:9 support. It caps at 3440x1440 which is 21:9. Even then it will still pillar box for various parts of the game for those with a 21:9 display and anyone with 32:9 gets totally shafted. There is an FOV fix which helps along with a few 32:9 mods/solutions but I don't feel any are exactly right yet. My personal feeling is that if the edge of the screen has an extreme fisheye effect then something's not right. Anyway, I used some of these and it does look great when you can get it to fill the screen but I'm not convinced that any of these fixes are getting it to properly render at 5120x1440 on my CRG9. One of my reasons for this is that while FPS were lower than the 4090, as expected, they were higher than expected as well ranging from 60-80 FPS, and the GPU was hanging around 2145-2160 MHz and around 75-95% usage. On the plus side, that display's HDR has always been a bit quirky so the game's broken HDR implementation wasn't an issue here. It just looked average, but not overwhelmingly washed out as seen on my other displays.

Edit: Just edited the main config file to a 5120x1440 resolution and locked it to read-only. Also, put FOV to 95 and the fisheye effect is greatly reduced and I'm feeling much more confident that the game is rendering at the proper resolution now. FPS has decreased to similar numbers with my other 3090 Ti but that only further enforces my belief that it's rendering true 32:9 UW 1440p since the pixel count is nearly identical to that of 4K. I also just enabled ReBar but need to do more playing before I can comment on any effects with this card. Overall, its looking more like I would expect it to now on the CRG9.

3090 Ti rig with 4K IPS HDR Z9D. Except for Rebar, which I'll turn on soon, I saw it hang around 45-60 FPS when I tested it on this rig Friday night. I also used the same Freestyle settings to simulate HDR. This GPU was topping at around 1885 MHz so perhaps more tweaking is needed here but it is air-cooled compared to its hybrid counterpart in the above rig. The 5800X3D was behaving more like that of the one in the Carbide (4090 rig) case but I attribute that to the increased size of the gigantic HAF X and its extra fans, and lower FPS target. I feel this setup relates more to PC players looking to game in 4K and are targeting 60 FPS. The 5800X3D seems to do well with this game and anything around a 3090/3090 Ti equivalent should be able to give ~60 FPS, albeit with some tweaking.
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Thank you, knowledge about performance and limitations of the engine (hopefully will be addressed?) are good to know.

And testing/feedback on AMD GPU's out there?

What I have run across (not actively looking) has all been AMD CPU NV GPU.
There was a review posted that had measurements for AMD and Nvidia GPU's side by side. the 7900xtx was trading blows with a 4090, generally on par. (no FSR)

The 6800xt was just below a 4080..

That's what I recall from Gamers Nexus's review.
There was a review posted that had measurements for AMD and Nvidia GPU's side by side. the 7900xtx was trading blows with a 4090, generally on par. (no FSR)

The 6800xt was just below a 4080..

That's what I recall from Gamers Nexus's review.
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