METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION Vol. 1 to Be Locked at 1080P on PC and Most Consoles with the First Game Locked at 30 FPS on All


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Fans of the upcoming METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION Vol. 1 have even less to look forward to following an update about its resolution/FPS limits. Snake is set to return to PC and consoles on October 24 and while Konami has various extra content included in the bundle it seems the bare minimum effort in updating the games has been done. Konami has posted an update on its METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION Vol. 1 detailing the resolution limits for PCs and consoles and it doesn't look good. Basically, all games are locked at 1080p for PC and most consoles, Nintendo Switch Handheld at 720p, with the first game locked at 30 FPS for all. PC and PlayStation/Xbox owners can play the 2nd and 3rd games at 1080p/60 FPS while the Nintendo Switch (both handheld and TV mode) is locked at 720p/30 FPS.

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I remember back in the day watching my roommate play the first game on his PS One. I think the game was on 3-4 CD-ROMs at the time. Great game. I tinkered with it a bit and had some fun.
Meanwhile, I can play MGS GC version and the rest of the pack at 4k/60 emulated on my pc
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