Computer Engineering Graduate Shows How Overclocking a SATA SSD Can Yield Increased Performance


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Computer Engineering Graduate Gabriel Ferraz has shown in detail that a SATA SSD can be overclocked for improved random read/write speeds. Gabriel Ferraz (Detetive Virtual de SSDs) runs a hardware review channel on YouTube and has performed an interesting experiment most wouldn't normally think of trying. In fact, the title of the video jokingly includes ". . .doable at Home! (DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME THOUGH)".

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Over clocking anything likely makes it faster
I honestly wondered how long it would take to see stories like this since SSDs are essentially just memory paired with a processor.

I remember back in the 80s tinkering with rpm/voltage settings for an old RANA floppy drive for my Atari 400 where I saw improved read speeds. Ultimately fried a resistor that was a pia to spec and replace but it was interesting to see such things were possible even back then.
I honestly wondered how long it would take to see stories like this since SSDs are essentially just memory paired with a processor.

I remember back in the 80s tinkering with rpm/voltage settings for an old RANA floppy drive for my Atari 400 where I saw improved read speeds. Ultimately fried a resistor that was a pia to spec and replace but it was interesting to see such things were possible even back then.

I had no idea that was something you could do. I probably would have tried it back then.
I had no idea that was something you could do. I probably would have tried it back then.
We were living overseas and my dad had an adjustable DC supply so I wouldn't have to use a step-down transformer. The RANA had an LED display that showed the RPM which inspired to pop the cover open and lo and behold there was something I could adjust with a screwdriver.
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