Apple EV Delayed to 2028, Now Featuring a “Less Ambitious” Design: Report


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Sources with Bloomberg have learned that Apple is now planning to launch its first vehicle, an EV, in 2028.

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This is how you go from a Trillion dollar company to ... something much less than that.
This is more like how you redefine your goals. They pushed the date out, lowered the features, completely removed self driving. They have become more realistic probably at the behest of trusting their engineers.

Plus this lets them hopefully take advantage of new battery tech at the start.

The fact that they still intend to enter the EV market should have other auto makers shaking. They will have the financial ability to ramp up quickly once they know the market wants what they make.

Unlike the iphone though the question is can they redefine the market like they did when they entered the cellular race?
The fact that they still intend to enter the EV market should have other auto makers shaking.
In particular Volkswagen. I don't know about anywhere else but I've lost track of how many Beetles I've seen over the last decade in Colorado/NM with Apple stickers on them.
Your car automatically slows down to prolong battery life?
Unlike the iphone though the question is can they redefine the market like they did when they entered the cellular race?
Is it possible? Yeah - but cars are not a core market for Apple.

Phones took off for them, but really only for one reason - they redefined the phone from a communication device to a computer platform. They turned the market toward their core market.

While there is some of that with respect to a car - I don’t know that a car will pivot to a tech platform as well - at least with the same market. Cars are more strongly associated as a mechanical platform - even EVs.

Is it possible to change that into a tech-driven platform? I guess it’s possible, but most people don’t gawk about how fast their entertainment system is or what resolution their automotive touch screens run at - they do talk about 0-60 times and handling and stuff. So it would be a significant market shift.

But you are right, they did it with phones. Before the iPhone, everyone was concerned with how small they could get a flip phone (cue Zoolander meme)

I just think it’s a much bigger jump for cars than phones, and even with Apple I have my doubts it will be done
Unless they are redefining it towards user friendly cost effective repair, they wont be redifining squat that isn't already covered. Can they still succeed, sure, but they won't be redefining squat into anything new. Subscription cars, done, luxury items, done, lifestyle cars, done, family car, done on and on. Tech in cars, done, monthly payment tech in cars done. Unrepairable cars, done. Locked down cars done.
The things that aren't being done are the repair, open, practical stuff, so on. That isn't being done, and it won't be. They could come up with some recyclable green garbage advertising, it will be just that, and if successful other will imitate said garbage, i guess that could be a redefining, a lie about the environment. Sure, enough muscle in advertising could make it work.
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Unlike the iphone though the question is can they redefine the market like they did when they entered the cellular race?
You mean create a culture where repairability is a thing of the past? :D Oh wait, Tesla and Hyundai already beat them to the punch there.

These companies virtue signal about sustainability when none of their actions support that.
You mean create a culture where repairability is a thing of the past? :D Oh wait, Tesla and Hyundai already beat them to the punch there.

These companies virtue signal about sustainability when none of their actions support that.
Apple led the change in cellular devices by making them all screen wth a responsive UI and gui.

I don't see how they will reimagine automotive.
No windshield, just a big monitor.

And they'll charge you an extra $20,000 for the wheels and tires.
It will have proprietary digital wheel nuts, which if you remove and reinstall the car won't work, unless you pay $20.000 at an apple authorized tire shop to connect their closed diagnostic software to allow the car to work again.
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