AMD’s Flagship RDNA 2 GPU Reportedly Twice As Powerful As Radeon RX 5700 XT


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: AMD

Remember that rumor we published last week about how AMD’s Big Navi graphics card could be 40 to 50 percent faster than NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 2080 Ti? Well, Moore’s Law Is Dead has made another interesting claim regarding how powerful red team’s flagship RDNA 2-based GPU could be. According to his source (who have proven themselves to be legit based on previous comments that are lining up with PlayStation 5’s current production capability and timetables, apparently), Radeon team’s upcoming halo product should be about twice as powerful as the RX 5700 XT.

“Estimates are that RDNA 2 are a major leap forward for them, 195 to 225 percent of the current available cards,” wrote the source...

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At first thought it unlikely, but now im thinking this is a chiplet design. Don't think you can get those numbers , that high speed via giant die. Chiplet would let you bin and optimize each little chip, plus I guess even heat management can be a little better?. Question is, can infinity fabric take on the interface speeds necessary? I've read it can scale to mayor speed, but theory and reality and all that...
Chiplet is also a very good way to cover the entire lineup for cheap, with slow and salvage chips at the bottom of course.
Ohhh I like speculation, hehe... This will be some fun launches for sure though, not sure I am buying anything any time soon, but I like the spectator game for sme reason.
I'm pulling for team Red. But, whoever wins this round of "performance wars" gets my upgrade money this fall.
I'm pulling for team Red. But, whoever wins this round of "performance wars" gets my upgrade money this fall.
As am I, they are long overdue for a GPU victory. Last victory I recall of any kind was 290x just due to sheer price to performance. Thats far too long ago.
I'm pulling for team Red. But, whoever wins this round of "performance wars" gets my upgrade money this fall.

Yea I'm kind of in the same boat. If AMD can pull a rabit out and have truly competitive cards at the price point I'll buy in at. (Probably just shy of 1k) then they will get my money. But I'd kind of dig it if it was AMD this time.
IDK, my 5700xt does pretty well as it is. CODMW for example runs over 144fps, and on my 144hz monitor thats not much fun with the tearing.
My inherent ATI fanboy-ism (with roots planted from owning the original Radeon) usually forces me to go Team Red. The troubles I experienced with the Vega64 launch (availability) and Radeon VII (noise levels, driver issues) has made me go Team Green.

But that fanboy pull is still there, and I'm sure I'd jump ship back to red in an instant for a competitive product.
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