AMD’s RNDA 3 GPUs Rumored to Beat NVIDIA’s Lovelace GPUs in Performance and Efficiency


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: AMD

AMD’s next generation of Radeon RX graphics cards will be powered by the third generation of its rapidly evolving GPU microarchitecture, RDNA 3. According to the latest rumors from various insiders, the Radeon RX 7000 Series is expected to boast a greater level of power efficiency thanks to major developments that include a multi-chip module (MCM) design. While both AMD and NVIDIA’s next-generation GPUs are rumored to be equally as power hungry as the current generation, RNDA 3 products will reportedly have an edge in performance and efficiency over green team’s Lovelace-based GeForce RTX 40 Series for reasons such as the competition’s adherence to a traditional, monolithic design. NVIDIA is expected to bounce back with the first MCM GPUs derived from its Hopper architecture, however, which are expected to provide triple the performance of current Ampere GPUs...

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Not necessarily both at the same time though…
No AMD ain't gonna leapfrog Nvidia. Just no.
Just like every other new AMD card.
I don't understand why people still post this stupid rumor. Every year for what? 18 years now and not once has it ever been true.
Yep just like amd will never beat the titan of intel.. oh wait...

Competition is good. My 6800xt is going strong. If a 7800xt comes out that is even better and is cost competitive with Nvidia I have no issue buying amd again. Then again if Nvidia trounced amd and has availability at the price point I want I will buy them. Just the way it goes.

But to say amd can't beat nvidia... it could happen. Not super likely I'll give you that but really this day and age all they need to do is be competitive and have availability.
I'll take another look at AMD GPU's when EVGA starts making them.

As it is EVGA is about to do a AMD MB so who knows...maybe one day.
I'll take another look at AMD GPU's when EVGA starts making them.

As it is EVGA is about to do a AMD MB so who knows...maybe one day.

Yea maybe we can get an amd card with evga quality.. like those 3090s right? Has anyone heard if Evga is replacing those?
Yea maybe we can get an amd card with evga quality.. like those 3090s right? Has anyone heard if Evga is replacing those?
Of course they are, best CS in the business.
Would be nice to see AMD based GPU's with EVGA performance and CS.
Radeon 9700Pro. Enough said.
So, not AMD... and an odd situation. Nvidia provided GPUs that did 16-bit color at full speed and 32-bit color at half speed, while ATi just did 24-bit regardless of input.

Nvidia's solution depended on developers tagging only the stuff that needed 32-bit color, and well, that basically didn't happen.

So of course we all bought 9700 Pros, but that was the last time Nvidia was legitimately behind across the board. Now, AMD has brought some decent performing GPUs since and pulled ahead for six or so months, but nothing like ATi did back then for several generations.
So, not AMD... and an odd situation. Nvidia provided GPUs that did 16-bit color at full speed and 32-bit color at half speed, while ATi just did 24-bit regardless of input.

Nvidia's solution depended on developers tagging only the stuff that needed 32-bit color, and well, that basically didn't happen.

So of course we all bought 9700 Pros, but that was the last time Nvidia was legitimately behind across the board. Now, AMD has brought some decent performing GPUs since and pulled ahead for six or so months, but nothing like ATi did back then for several generations.

Did or do you work for Nvidia? Everyone else is having a conversation and you're reading from marketing material.
The ATI 9700 AIW was one of my favorite gpus, but it wasn't AMD then. I still have the card. Loved it till I replaced it with an Nvidia card.

We do continually hear the hype that the next gen AMD gpu's will be all that. Well, it usually isn't, however, they do continue to show pretty good progress. I wouldn't turn down a current gen AMD gpu right now.

The prices for any gpu currently are very discouraging.

I'm not going to hold my breathe, but, as we have seen in the cpu world, good things can happen. We may yet see a leapfrog. May....
I seem to remember Fermi being a horrible mess and AMD's Cypress cards pretty well walking over everything nVidia had that generation. Fermi may have been "faster" but that didn't make it better.

AMD was also first with Turbo on Cayman the next generation.

And there were a lot of times where GCN/Polaris cards held the lower and middle tiers pretty well on value propositions.

And AMD pulled out the console contracts - twice in a row.

There are a lot of metrics out there other than just King of the Hill
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No AMD ain't gonna leapfrog Nvidia. Just no.

That's what they said about AMD making a comeback against Intel.

In any case, I'll root for anyone who goes up against nVidia. **** nVidia.
That's what they said about AMD making a comeback against Intel.

In any case, I'll root for anyone who goes up against nVidia. **** nVidia.
To me is more about this useless clickbait rumor mill that happens each and every time. But I guess due to being the underdog right now AMD gets more clickbait useless rumors . Honestly, my 'frustration' ( as far as these things matter to be 'frustrated' ) is my own creation as I used to read a lot, and believe so much I read, or saw in videos... You know, just like an idiot hehhe.
Yea I didn't check the source but if it's wccftech.. well you know the odds of them presenting anything accurate are about 5%. I don't have the time or desire to read one of their articles.

And when exactly did every **** thing how to turn j to a freaking video? I know it makes money for people... and really that's why. It just bugs me.
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