AMD Confirms GPU Driver Bug That May Auto-Overclock Ryzen Chips


Staff member
May 28, 2019
AMD has confirmed that a GPU driver bug may alter BIOS settings for Ryzen CPUs. This follows an investigation by Igor Wallossek, who had learned that the new Adrenalin 22.3.1 driver with new Ryzen Master module could make changes in the BIOS without user consent, overriding users' settings and profiles.

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"Bug" adjusts bios settings.

I usually white knight for AMD a bit more than I should, but the only thing I can think of that automatically adjusts BIOS settings without your consent are called viruses.
This has been reported for a while now, with no real confirmation from amd. I don't have the issue, but i know it can be reproduced. So amd will issue a fix soon I'm sure.
Yeah, from all the reading I did when prepping this it sounds like a side effect of a good intention with Ryzen Master module. They were intentionally trying to get everything under one roof, so to speak, for more seamless integration for users when they wanted to overclock things. It's just that they didn't expect Adrenalin to go all Star Trek Daystrom/M-5 on them. ;)
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